Chapter 6

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Crocs pvo

I ran through the sewars fear building up inside me as I held her close, the bastards shot her, they shot kira!! Theirs only one person I know who can take care of the injuries without sending me away

I got to where the place was removing the manhole and got out, and I snuck in the place.

"Harley!!" I called out holding kiras limp body close to me "Harley please!"

"Croc? What are you doing here?" She came out from a hall way holding her bat.

"I know you studied in medicine if you never became a psychiatrist, do you remember any of it? My... Child needs help"

She came over taking kira from me "I've patched up gun wounds before this isnt anything. Give me a bit, I'll do the best I can do" she left with her and I sat down

Please kira, don't die on me, I need you more then anything in the whole world. I love you so much

~Hours later~
Harley pvo

I managed to take out the bullet and patch up anything that needed patching up. She's lucky to be alive, if it was a couple inches over, it would have been her heart to suffer.

I managed to save her and get a heart beat, she was breathing on her own which was perfect. Because I'd need help with helping her breath as I go steal one of the machines for it. I did have many doctor essentials for things, it wasn't hard to steal, I may be insane but I can use Harleen Quinnzell as a cover up,

I left the room, croc was asleep, I go and grab extra clothes that he left here, he comes to me for things, if he's hungry, needs clothes or money, anything I have for him

I go back putting the clothes by him, and pats his head softly

Its going to be a while before the little girl is going to be able to leave, croc can stay here. I don't mind, as long as I get animal parts from the market, he'll be okay

I grab a big blanket putting it on him as well, it's close to winter, another reason for him to stay here, heating. I loved his company, after J threw me away for someone else I really am doing good on my own

At least I hope so, I do still miss him

((Here it is, I am going to make a point to update this more often!! Im so sorry for the wait!!))

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