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Ean stopped the car in front of the door closest to my locker. I knew he did that so I didn't have to walk that much while lugging my backpack around and appreciated every bit of him for doing so. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, missing his lips in the darkness. When I got inside the building, I watched his car drive off towards the athletic wing so he could ditch his football gear. As I walked to my locker someone bumped my bag.

"Oh, Ean, Ean! Where art thou, Ean?" a feminine voice cried.

I rolled my eyes, turning around. "Ha, ha. Very funny, Seline" I watched as she placed the back of her hand on her forehead and fell back against a man.

"Holy shit! It's an ugly ass clown." He paused. "Oh, wait it's just Seline being dramatic as fuck. Now, since your scene has ended in a tragic rating from Rotten Tomatoes, get the fuck off me before you have the biggest fall of your career," he stated.

She scoffed. "How dare you call me 'an ugly ass clown'. I will have you know, Emmett, that I am a beautiful swan." She extended her arms out, almost hitting another student.

"Okay, before you can be a swan you have to be graceful and gentle."

"And attractive. And aware of your fucking surroundings, sorry man." He turned his attention to me. "Are you planning on going to Ky's party tomorrow?"

I stomped my feet like a child. "Do I have to go?" I whined. "Ean is making me go, he says it's good for me to hang out with real people and not books. But," I extended the word as a smile crept up on my lips, "You guys are real people so that counts. Guess I don't have to go to the party anymore."

Seline jumped in front of me to stop me from walking away. "Come on, Em, you have to go. You can't stay cooped up in that house of yours... all alone... by yourself... with scary monsters lurking outside... waiting to eat you."

"Maybe the Chupacabra can pay you a visit," Emmett voiced.

I knew when I was defeated. Seline and Emmett used my fear of being alone and my fear of the dark against me, pretty much forcing me to go. Eh, human interaction is good, right? If I want to be an artist or a teacher I would have to study and understand people so this should be good. I would learn how to interact with others better and that in turn could lead me to connect with people facing the same problems as me.

When I finally freed myself from their wrath I made a bee-line to my metal cubbie. When I was close enough I noticed an all too familiar and unwanted face. Just when I thought I would have a nice, peaceful day. Kyle― yes, that Kyle ―leaned against my locker. He didn't notice me and kept staring at a tile on the floor. Annoyed and uncomfortable, I shifted my weight.

Wait, whatever happened to Kyle? He was such a good friend, really nice and caring. He would always walk me to class and everyone would tease me saying we were a couple. Anna and Seline once told me that he had a crush on me, but I told them I didn't believe it. I was so self-conscious and shy at the time, I lacked so much confidence. Maybe he did like me and is all upset about it now. Maybe he's like this because of me.

My life turned around for the better when Ean showed up. He was different, it was all so different. I never cared about him at first but when he needed a partner for a class project and needed help with tutoring, I was assigned to help him. Gosh this sounds like some cheesy, 90's teen movie. He had every girl but me falling madly in love with him. Seline even had this small crush on him for a time but it all changed when he started to linger around me. Without a say, he began looking after me, tucking me neatly under his wing. I protested it at first but it never worked. He slowly dragged me from my shell and together, he helped me accomplish many things. I began changing, evolving into the person I have always wanted to be. He fit in with our close group of friends and back then, Kyle was one of us. But that all changed soon after and I think it was because of me.

Coming back to the present and realizing Kyle was checking me out was not something that made me happy. I was aware he followed me to my classes, so he knew my classes were far away and that I had a few minutes to get there, yet he still leaned against my locker. I called out to him and he slowly moved. He tried to talk to me but something was itching at me. Maybe he's all cold and mean because I didn't feel or show that I felt the same way about him before.

I turned to ask him but the space he once filled was void. I guess I will never know.

The Funny One Dies FirstWhere stories live. Discover now