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A couple of men fell at their feet on the outskirts of the tavern. They must be too brave or too stupid to fight inside. Skye never allowed that, unless it was herself who started the fight. It was her place after all. An indicator that the witch was in a very good mood was that the men were thrown out by the two monumental werewolves that were on either side of the door and not dead as they would be on some normal day.

One of the men put his bloody hand on one of Hongbin's boots causing him to twitch his lips with disgust. Without warning, his other boot connected to the man's jaw making him fly to the other end.

-They're my favorite boots, you idiot -The other man gave them a frightened look and stopped as fast as he could away despite his bodily pain.

- The humans are so pathetic -N sighed with tragedy.

As a constant member, Ravi passed through the midst of the guards who offered him a slight nod as a greeting before he entered. As expected, it was a scandal. From the corner where drunken humans were in karaoke, like in the far corner where the mystical beings sat, drinking much more than beers. If humans knew that they share space with beings that fill their fear stories, they would surely collapse while singing religious songs to ward off evil. On the other hand, they would be laughing to death for that stupidity. They swept their eyes in search of the witch who would normally be behind the bar serving drinks or making fun of some customer. It was weird not to see her there. Where had she gotten to?

-There -N pointed out. Ravi's eyes went to the little demon, letting out the air in his lungs slowly thinking that slicing the guy's throat was not a good idea. Do not fight in Sweet Nightmare.

-Someone has fun without you -Leo passed him by the side with a mocking smile.

The woman was having a great time sitting on the lap of a big man, her thick white hair rocking from side to side as she shook her head at whatever another man was whispering in her ear. Sitting there seemed to be the living image of happiness. Then she tensed a bit when she saw them arrive, but a smile curled perfectly on her full lips seconds later.

-If the world has opened the portals of hell -She smiled brightly-. How can you explain the amount of beings oh-I'm-going-to-kill-you-and-laugh-at-you-while that is here? It's my birthday?

-No witch, it's not your birthday -Ravi cut her off, causing her to blink innocently at him-. Tell us what we want to know.

-Do not order me, I can have your fangs like earrings if I wanted to -Her power began to buzz, making everyone stop at what they were doing. Even humans felt danger although they did not know where.

-That's not what you told me two nights ago -Skye laughed and drank her beer as if she had not been about to kill someone.

-There are times when you can be useful -Ravi snorted.

-We do not have all night, Skye.

-I'm coming back -she said to the creatures-, do not do anything fun without me.

The four vampires followed her to the back of the tavern, entering a completely different place from the previous one. It was like entering a forest of living plants, all beautiful. But when you looked at the walls full of small treasures, you could realize that the woman was something that you had to take in count. Skye was not lying when she said she could use his teeth as earrings. What was on the corner was the skin of a creature? Yes, its walls were a huge contrast to the other decoration. A signal that appeals to your rational side. If you want to stay alive, do not do anything that you regret later.

- What can I do for you?

-As if you did not know we were coming.

- Easy there, vampire. If they interrupted your dinner do not come to bark at me.

-Cut down your stupid ceremony -Then, in less than a blink, the witch was in front of Leo crossing his face with a fist that surely left him watching stars. Although she was much shorter than him, the blow was resounding. The creatures rumored that she was a goddess, others said that she was possessed by a demon... there were so many rumors that no one was able to know what she really was. Not even Ravi.

-Be the kitten that came back a week ago. Never, never bite the hand that helps you if you do not want to pay the consequences. And I give you an idea of ​​that: Pain.

-Enough, redhead -Ravi approached her with a hand on her shoulder. Making her relax visibly and smile with that bright smile again. She took a wick from her hair and sighed when she saw it changed to another color, hating the entire mermaid Barbie event submerged in hot or cold water. Her hair tended to change from white to red before strong emotions. What can you do?

-Returning to the game -She turned her back as she searched for something in her arsenal of weapons-. If I tell you that your brothers are no longer your brothers, would you desist from the idea of ​​going for them?

-No -N said firmly.

-Come on Skye, you know us more than that -Ravi rolled his eyes.

-Okay, it's fine. I just wanted to be sure.

-What do you mean, our brothers are not the same?

- Until someone caught the small letters of the warning! -The witch went on at Hongbin's question-. I must tell you, for a moral good, that what will happen next, once you start your search, is a very poor quality R movie. With explosions, rain of bullets and everything else.

-Our brothers, Skye -Ravi asked.

-Oh yeah. Your brothers are chained in a cell. You were right in thinking they were with your father, N. Congratulations, your perception has gone up one level -All the fun disappeared from the tone of her voice before adding:- Not everything you knew is lost, just very hidden. It is not the moment to put the puzzle together, it is time to sleep the reason and destroy the source.

-What is that supposed to mean? -The witch gave each of them a sword, along with two amulets. All these objects were a fascinating intrinsic creation.

-You came here for an answer and you already have it. Now you must know what it means. The weapon Im giving you cannot fall into enemy hands. You would be dead with a single stroke of it.

-Impossible -Hongbin whispered. They were the perfect creation of his father. Only one thing could harm them.

- Do not tell me you still believe that you are unique? -She shook her head disappointed-. You will not get very far with that mentality. Your creator has been perfecting his works. You must prepare to feel a lot of pain tonight. Besides -She gave an offended snort-, these weapons were made by me, therefore unique in their class. Trust when I say that with me of exception, these weapons can kill anyone.

-Great -Leo muttered. Skye ignored him and continued her story, indicating the exact place where their brothers were.

-That's all I know -She looked at each one-. You must return alive.

-We will -N said, but Skye's gaze was indecipherable.

-We're going now -Hongbin put one of the amulets in his pocket. His brothers nodded and turned around.

-Ravi? -The group paused to look at her-. Do not make me want to end humanity. You must return even if your life ends in it.

-It's what I plan. I still have issues to solve with idiots who were flirting with the wrong woman.

-So romantic -She laughed-. If you need help, call Azure -Ravi nodded and then everyone disappeared.

The Kings of the NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora