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He knew three things now that he was more or less conscious. The first, being locked up didn't hurt. The second one, he was already in a safe place. The third, he was going to kill his brothers if they didn't open the cell door. It took him a while to understand where they were, who they were and that their creator had kidnapped him and Hyuk. That is, they were kidnapped! Like silly little children. Admittedly, he sometimes behaved as a child, but this was too much.

Ken threw himself on the bed, inside the dungeon, thinking about how long he will be lucid this time. He expected it to be longer than before because he didn't want to suffer another attack of N in his life. Once is forever enough. Although he had to admit that it was the only way to stop him. When he wore the necklace that the witch designed them, it hurt like a son of a bitch. After the beating, they were locked here. How many days did they have? He lost the count.

In the beginning, he and Huyk were in a dissociative state that took more of their memory and although that was no longer the case, there were still those moments. That was the reason why Ken and Hyuk were still locked up. And he was going to die of boredom there! Obviously, he could talk to his brother who was next to his cell, but the very asshole didn't talk enough to save his mental health. At this time, he preferred the dissociative state, because he didn't have time to think about how bored he was.

He heard his brothers arrive one by one and they were talking about his creator. Man, he was crazy to get out of there and give the imbecile a beating. But he must first take care of his own problem. Some days were easier than others because it was clear to be able to distinguish what was true and what wasn't. But other times, the devil took him... and returning to reality not only took him hours but drained him, leaving him sick. The blood reserve has increased thanks to them and it wasn't something that the others were happy about.

-I swear I'll burn the house if they don't get me out of here -Hyuk laughed on the other side of the cell.

-You will eat yourself first.

-Are you here already?

-Hardly -None knew at what point the crises would attack them. Hyuk had just passed an episode and he didn't sound well at all. The side effects of the episodes were fucking shit-. I'm sick of this -Then there were two of them in that boat.

-I miss the old times -Ken said with nostalgia.

And Hyuk knew what he meant. There was a time when they were completely oblivious to the existence of something other than humans on the face of the earth. He didn't think about that often, because being immortal had its advantages, but sometimes, he believed that all of them somehow regretted having lost their humanity. They were lifelong friends until they touched the shortest stick. The transformation not only took away their humanity leaving them with an uncontrollable thirst for blood, but it took away the world they knew.

They were modified as the best weapon of their creator and were on their side until things began to change and its creator became more psychopathic. His brothers and he had spent hell to get out of his hands... that he and Ken were caught was really shameful. That he and Ken were fighting with their brothers is twice as ridiculous, but here they were, in a dungeon because of wanting to go down the throat of one of them at some random moment. It was a miracle that they weren't tied hand and foot, the gods know that Ravi didn't get tired of suggesting it the first time.

His brothers stood in front of the cells, probably seeing better than he and Ken should at that moment. Hyuk didn't just feel like shit, he probably looked just the way he felt.

-You two looks like shit -Leo said, confirming his suspicions.

-Thanks, I've seen better days -Ken replied bitterly-. Tell me at least you let us take a shower today.

-I think you're almost lucky -Ravi looked in a good mood.

-What are you talking about? -Hyuk hated rodeos and Ravi, in particular, loved them.

-Kaíla gave us something that can work -N was looking for something in his pocket. Remembering how such a large box contained only their rings. The truth is that the Leorins were all crazy and they liked to fuck the world in general, regardless of race.

-The Leorin? -Asked Hongbin with surprise.

-It seems that we are returning to our lucky days -N seemed relieved and that was a good thing to see, considering that these days he has been in more stress than all of them-. Take this -He gave each one the ring they used as a group a long time ago. This symbolized many things for them and having a piece of the past was, in a way, somewhat encouraging. It doesn't matter when the time has changed, they still had themselves.

-How did you find them? -Leo looked impressed. When Hyuk received his, he still shared the impression of Leo.

-Now we are going to hug and cry, swearing to be friends forever? -Said Ravi when he received his ring.

-Do you think this helps us with our dissociative state? -Ken asked hopefully, completely ignoring his brother.

-That's the idea -N said almost relieved-. We are going to do a trial period for three days, to see how.

-Three days? -Ken groaned as if he were being tortured.

-It could be more -Hyuk said-. Do not complain.

-What was it you wanted to tell us? -Hongbin started.

Still in the cell, Ken and Hyuk listened intently to what each of their brothers found in their time outside. Both felt like strangers because they had never been behind or oblivious to some plan... but this time, they should wait, not only for their sake but also for their brothers'. While they listened, they also reported from time to time, things that they remembered from when they were in captivity. This had to be useful and at this time, any information was welcome.

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