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Cedric POV

I was in class and it was going. Slow I could not wait free class that was next because me and Herminoe where going to be studying by the lake where it nice. And quiet and it made me happy that I am going to get know Herminoe better .and I'm happy that I talked to her the day she was crying .on the steps

Hannah: let me guess why I'm going to be in my next class you .are going to be down by the lake because it .your free class .and that what you always do and. I believe that it the same class being free for Herminoe and . I bet you asked her to meet you there am I right

Cedric: mostly I'm going to walk her there and we are going to be working on our last class assignment because I want to make sure that me and her are going to be ahead and everything we do when it comes to Advanced translations

Hannah: yeah I should have known anyway I have to get ready to head to my next class because the Bell just rang have fun down by the lake but not too much ( laughing)

And with that I went to meet up with Herminoe and I. Hope that it going to be good and .it makes me feel happy knowing .that I got someone who going through the same thing as me

As soon as I meet up with Herminoe outside of the potions classroom she had a big smile on her face and then left to go to the lake to do our studying I've got a good feeling though about studying at the lake will make it to know more about each other I'm probably able to help each other with our problems more

Herminoe: so have you been dealing with everything that's going on with your aunt to not go getting a divorce because right now I find it really hard as my Mom and Dad considering my mom and dad are trying to figure out which one they want to put me against one another and I don't want to be between them I just want to be able to be there for both of them and be there for my half sibling that my father is having with his so-called new girlfriend I just want to be able to you know live my life the way it was supposed

Cedric: yeah it's not a very good thing when we're always being drained into situations that we shouldn't be part of I mean come on my uncle and Aunt are trying. To bring me and mother and father thought there and my cousin is having a hard. Time with it and his little sister not even old enough to be going to Hogwarts yet so yeah it's definitely going to be pretty hard on them

Herminoe: ya I see where your coming form I mean I'm only child and now I have this half-sibling coming out of nowhere and everything because of my father cheating on my mom but least you want to try and work things out with her but she started to get worse and everything so yeah I can understand why they would divorce with the way he'd been I know that she's not going to forgive them because you don't expect something like that to happen

Cedric : ya and I see that before we started talking we have most ever essay ready and we're supposed to have two weeks to get it all done but it looks like we're going to have it done ahead of time I guess that's probably because you're the smartest which or your age like I said and I'm pretty much a study Bookworm but sometimes you got to do that if you want to keep your grades up and place where I'm in Hufflepuff you know got to make my parents proud

Herminoe: I'm sure everything that you do makes your parents proud and I know one thing for sure everything that I do make my parents proud they told me that's one thing that's never going to change how they're both proud of me and everything like that is just stuff that's going on with them but I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of it all

It was not nice seeing this beautiful girl going through all this and for some reason I couldn't help myself I noticed her hair was falling in her eyes so I reached over to put your hair out of her face she smiled at me and the next thing I know the two of us where leaning in towards each other

Cedric: kiss Herminoe)

Herminoe: kiss back) that was wow and I like thanks and it was my frist kiss

Cedric: it was I really sweet kiss and I kind of liked you for the last few years and everything but I had to wait till you're close enough of age considering I am a couple years older than you at least you're 15 now so that makes sense and that you're of age that's good

Herminoe: I tell you something don't tell it to no I'm technically in a little bit older than 15 cuz I use the time Turner in my third year so I'm technically 17 around your age

Cedric: wow hay I don't want to be pushing you or anything but would like to go out and maybe be my grilfrind

Herminoe: that's really sweet and you're not really pushing me or anything Cedric cuz I have kind of had a crush on you all these years too so yeah I would love to go on a date and be your new girlfriend let's just hope your ex don't try to cause any problems

Cedric: don't worry about that you're my everything now baby anyway because I've always had this feeling that I was meant to be with you for some reason I don't know why I just felt drawn to you but I wouldn't go after you or anything like that because I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable

Herminoe: that sweet and I felt that to almost like it some kind of pull and that a good thing

And with that I kiss her again wow who of thought that  . I got Herminoe Granger the girl of my dreams

Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  a love so true Where stories live. Discover now