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Dumbledore POV

I know that herminoe and Cedric are bodend I can senses it and . I know that Harry is severus mate. And that Draco and Ron are together and .that something if you asked me last year about it happening I think you be mad not about Herminoe and Cedric because I .saw that coming a mile way but never thought that harry and severus would be mates. And the same form Draco and Ron but it. All work out for the better

Just then there was a kock on my office door and I know that it Herminoe and Cedric coming to talk me .

Dumbledore: come in

Herminoe: hay sir me and Cedric would like to talk to you if that ok

Dumbledore: yes come in and I'm guessing that you want to let me know that you have bodend to each other and that a good thing so I'll put you in a cambers together and you still need to be going back and forth . between your house that you are in and .still do your jobs as. Prefixes for your houses and just so you know in your own Chambers you will have your own bathroom and everything like what the same stuff that the prefix bathrooms have of course

Cedric: yes sir and I want. To know what is going to happen now because this my last year and Herminoe is. In her 5 th year so what am.i gonna do

Dumbledore: I was thinking about making you Apprentice next year you've always seem to have an act for healing so why don't you come and work here under poppy and learn to be a healer

Cedric: that would be great and I'll take you up on that sir

Dumbledore : good now I'll see that your Chambers is ready for the both you and then I'll see when. You  your schooling in the next couple of years Hermione and you could probably stay as some type of apprentice as well

And I could tell that she was likeing that idea because she .is one of the smartest witches for her age

And with that her and Cedric left to talk to there friends and I got a feeling that there not going to be the only ones coming to see me about being bonded . and that a good thing and it going to make me happy because I just want Harry and severus to get the happiness that they're going to be needing

Herminoe POV

Me and Cedric left Dumbledore's office and went to talk to are friends and it was a good thing that. We did that because I saw Harry coming out of Snape Chambers after he kiss him. Me thinks that Harry got to do some explaining to us right now about everything that's going on

Herminoe: hay Harry you want to tell me what going on now

Harry : well you see I kind off  start to see Snape because when I was with him play me on a project for potions class and everything we started to fall for each other and it turned out after I went through my creature inheritance and he's a vampire those rumors are true and I'm his mate

Herminoe: wow never thought I see that happening and it looks. Like you and him mate because I see boded rings

Harry : and it looks like I'm not the only one it seems that you and Cedricn did as well

Cedric: ya me. And Herminoe boded and I'm going to take good care of my wife and that a good thing

Harry : ya and severus is going to take good care of me because I did not know this but my mother was part veal and my dad was noraml Wizard human

Herminoe: wow we always find so much out and I think that a good thing and with .that thought in mind I knew that this school year was going to get better

And with. That we watched harry go and get Snape and I think there on the way to talk to dumbledore about Harry moving into .Snape Chambers and .when I looked I saw that Drcoa and Ron was kissing and .then I thought about it .Harry and Snape Draco and Ron. This is weird I mean I never thought that I get .the man of my dreams but I'm happy

Cedric: what going on inside that head of yours babe

Herminoe: is that a year ago I never thought I would be in this position married to the man of my dreams but I'm glad I got that and I never thought I'd see the day that Professor Snape and Harry would be together the same for Ron and drink oh it's almost like with the two of those relationships we entered the Twilight Zone but I'm definitely glad I got you in my corner

Cedric: you know that you are cute when you talk about Muggle movies and stuff and it a good thing

Herminoe: I'm just happy that you love me for who I am and that a good thing and with that I left and head of to Gryffindor so I can go and get everything I'm going to need for the move into our Chambers and I must say you must go off to get your stuff at a Hufflepuff this is going to be really cool going back and forth between our respective houses but also having our own quarters together I just wonder though one of my parents are going to think about this I mean they just got divorced and me and you end up getting bonded but I explain the difference between married and a bodend when they came here . Wants to see how things were going with the school and everything like that they knew everything that was going on with me was because I had magical stuff in me and they even believe that bondings are good better than marriage is because of means as true love so they told me if I ever did get bonded they'd understand because that's meant to be .with a normal married things will always crumble and they know in the magical world that I'm of age

Cedric: that a good and sent a owl to my family and there Happy for me

Herminoe: that's a really good thing and everything for you baby but I'm still waiting to hear back from my family even though things are going well he and everything was a fact that my parents just divorced and everything I just want to know if they'll understand what's going on between me and you being bonded

As. Soon as I had. Said that one of the owls came in and drop down anyone or for me I read it and it was for my parents both of them different ones of course they're happy for me because they believe that it is a bonding which everything I explain to them that is true love and they're glad that I won't have to go through a messy divorce like they did on their story for putting me in the middle of it all but they understand where I'm coming from to and they wish me the best of  luck and that great. I gust it time I get to be happy

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