He meets your abusive ex

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Mike: Both of you were at a restaurant, just finishing up. As you walk out, you heard the voice you never wanted to again. "Well well well. What do we have here?" The voice said as you slowly turned around. You saw Eric, your ex, just standing there with an evil grin. "What       d-do you want E-Eric?" You said stuttering, holding on to Mike's arm. Mike stiffened a bit, but did nothing. "I want you back (y/n)" Eric said "dump this worthless piece of sh*t and go out with me again." That's when Mike cut into the discussion. "She's not going anywhere with you bud, so just scram." You had told Mike about what Eric had done to you, so he wasn't too happy seeing him. They both stared at each other, before Eric walked off in a huff. Mike kissed your cheek, and you went on your merry way.

Jeremy: You were at the ice cream shop with Jeremy, Mike and Vincent. Sitting on the bench outside, you enjoyed your ice cream. Until it was slapped out of your hand. Looking up, you started shaking, seeing Ryan standing there. "Well look at what we have here." He said as a disgusting smirk creeped on his face. You tried to get away, but he caught your arm. "Where do you think you're going bi*ch?" He asked, anger growing on his face. "HEY!! What do you t-think you're d-doing?!" You heard Jeremy yell at Ryan. Looking up you saw a shocked and angry Jeremy, with a more angry Mike and Vincent. Before Ryan could answer, he had both Mike and Vincent on him. Jeremy ran to you, hugging the life out of you. "Are you OK honey?" He asked kissing you on the forehead. Nodding, you then turned to Mike and Vincent, "Guys, please don't kill him." All of you went back to Jeremy's place.

Fritz: Really can't think of anything for this one. Sorry.

Scott: Let's just say, you never heard or saw Josh again😁.

Vincent: The two of you were at the park, sitting on a bench. Vince had his arm around your shoulders, content as can be. That is until HE came. "Hey (y/n)." You heard that awful voice say. Tensing up, you looked behind you. "What do you want Kevin?" Vincent hadn't really reacted, so he didn't say anything. "I want you back," he said with a smirk "you know you won't find anyone as good as me." Vince still hadn't said or done anything yet, just listening. "Oh, you mean someone who beats on women?" That's when Vincent stood up, but didn't turn around yet. "You got something to say to me purple freak?!" Vincent's head literally did a 180° turn, and stared at Kevin. Kevin went white, and backed up. Vince then approached him with a sinister smile. "You know what? People like you make me sick." He said getting closer to Kevin until he was standing so close they were almost touching noses. "Now I want you to keep this in that tiny brain you have. If you EVER, try to bother (y/n) or I ever again, you will regret it. If you ever look at her again, you won't have a face to look at her with." Kevin looked like he was about to piss his pants. "Do I make myself clear?" Kevin just nodded quickly, and sprinted away.

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