1.) Move

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Volga set the last box down on his new office floor. He actually was happy about the move. He and Lana have been putting it off for awhile now to wait for Elena to be born and now it was a perfect time. No challenges, time with family, and of course no work for awhile. Lana would be home with the kids and her husband which is even better than before. They were usually busy but a move into a new home had to give them both time, even with younger children, one under a month old and a soon to be four year old. Volga has started moving everything from the old house not long ago and announced that this night was their last night in it.

Lana laid in bed with her son, sleeping already. Being a mother was tiring, making sure Elena was fed when Volga was moving things all day. The last few boxes they had were in the living room. She felt her son kick her in the face as he was sprawled on his father's pillows. She had her bags backed along with Tyler's and Elena's. Plus side was that the nursery was closer to the master bedroom and there were extra guest rooms if Volga had any meetings or family visiting. She opened an eye and saw her son, whimpering as she held him close. Volga was at the new house with Elena and his lava serpent dragon to get them used to the new area. Tyler wanted to go with him, but Volga only saying Lana needed her little guy home. She has been resting from her task as Guardian of Time, her family knowing how much a deal it really was.

"Mama," her son whispered as he opened his eyes. He resembled his father but had his mother's characteristics and her eyes. She kissed his forehead and held him close.

"What's wrong honey?"

"When is dad coming back?" he ask, sitting up. Lana sighed as she sat up with him. Her husband would be sleeping alone with the crib in the master bedroom for him to watch Elena until he is sure of her being able to sleep in the nursery.

"Daddy won't come back till the morning. He is with your sister in the new house-"

"Why aren't we there?"

She giggled and ruffled his hair. "Cause your baby sister needs to adjust to the surroundings. We moved when you were still in my stomach from your grandpa's house to this house. Sometimes, a move is always good."

"Are we still gonna be in Skyloft?" Tyler showed he didn't want to leave the sky. He enjoyed it in the clouds and when he went with Volga to the Gerudo Desert, playing with the Gerudo children.

"Yes, we have to because your father has something very important he needs to hold and protect from Ganondorf." The name ran shivers up her spine. Ganondorf, a cursed name to the Gerudo tribe and to her family. Volga has scars from him, emotional scars. Lana had Cia by her side when they were together in the Valley of Seers, doing their duty of watching time and keeping the balance of each era. It was a big responsibility for the duo and she is mostly stressed out of the two.

Tyler hugged her tightly at the mention of Ganondorf. He scarred Cia and Volga mentally and Volga a little physically from being a slave. "Mama, is he ever coming back?"

"Not until a new hero and princess is reborn." she whispered, hugging him back. He looked up at her as she rubbed his back. "Now get some sleep. We will be in the new house tomorrow."

He nodded and shut his eyes, falling back to sleep as Lana tried to sleep. The memories of the War came back to her. She hadn't thought about it in ages, it bothering her at times. She knew it bother Volga the most, him having PTSD. He always had it, and the War and Cia's actions made it worsen.

She manage to fall asleep and woke up to the sun shining on her face. Tyler was awake and out of the bedroom, her getting up and stretching. She started stripping the bed of the sheets and blankets along with the pillows and she noticed something behind it. Volga had Wizzro's ring for safe keeping for it not to fall into evil hands and enforcing Wizzro with more power. She grabbed the band and lifted it up, sighing. "Forgetful dragon," she mumbled as she put it around her neck. Volga prefers never wearing it around his finger, afraid that the poe could take his fire and the power from the Triforce without him realizing it. Lana got dressed and brushed her hair, getting the last of her things from the bathroom. She closed her eyes and closed the door to it, grabbing her bags and boxes.

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