2.) Sick Kid

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Rapid pounding was heard on the floor as Volga ran down the hall to the steps, his hand hitting the railing as he ran down, Lana already getting her coat on. He told him, he freaking told him. Volga grabbed his coat and zipped up, leaving the house quickly as Lana ran with him. Elena was down for her nap as she had the baby monitor in her pocket in case she woke up early. The two ran down the street, heading to the preschool their young child attended.

"Is he okay?! Is he hurt?!" Volga was panicking as he went right in, asking too many questions to the receptionist. The teacher was in the room, young Tyler on her lap as he was coughing. Lana ran over to her son, her hand running across his forehead to his cheeks, seeing his face paler than his actual skin tone and his face all red. It was clear he had a fever, Volga even knew it.

"Tyler was feeling really yucky during snack time." The teacher told the parents, rubbing Tyler's back. "He didn't look so good after recess either."

"I knew he should of stayed home." Volga grumbled to himself, arms crossed.

Lana straight out ignored him. "Thank you ma'am, Tyler will be getting much needed rest." she told the faculty member, taking her son into her embrace. "Sweetie...." She rubbed circles on his back, hearing him cough. "You're going straight to the bath when we get home...."

Volga was signing a paper on the clipboard in his hands, signing his son out of school with the parent approval signature. Usually just one would do but Volga liked to do his and Lana's just to play it safe. He handed it to the receptionist and walked his wife out, her still holding the sick boy. "What did I tell you?" he asked the child. "What did I specifically told you to do?"

Tyler whimpered and didn't respond, his head against Lana's sternum as he was crying. Lana glared daggers at her husband. "Volga lighten up on Ty. He's sick right now all right? He needs rest...." she quietly said something else before rushing to the house, hearing the baby monitor start to go off. Elena was up from her nap and hungry.

When the duo got to the house, Volga had to give Tyler a bath. It was necessary, the child having throw up on himself and now on Lana's white coat. He walked to the bathroom and sat the child down on the toilet seat, pulling his sleeves up as he put the stopper in the drain and ran the tap, making sure it was the right temperature for a young child. "Get undressed, I'll be back in a moment." he said over his shoulder, closing the door and heard going upstairs.

Volga walked down the hall to his son's bedroom, going in and over to the dresser, pulling out fresh pajamas. "Aren't you suppose to be with Ty Ty?" He turned quickly and saw his wife standing there in the doorway with her daughter in her arms.

"I'm getting his jammies, if that's okay with you." Volga sniffled a little as he walked past his wife, heading back down the stairs and to the bathroom, opening it and glad to see the young one in the tub, shivering. He set the new clothing on the counter as he took the discarded in the hamper.

"D-Daddy...." Tyler sniffled as Volga kissed his forehead. "Are you mad?"

"No, daddy would never be mad at you," he whispered, getting something. "You wanna bubble bath?"

The boy nodded his head so quick the father thought it was gonna fly off. Volga poured in a little soap as he moved his hand around in the water where he poured it to mix quicker. Tyler did not look so good as he tried climbing out, gaining Volga's attention. "Ty-!"

Tyler threw up in the water and on his father, Volga scrunching his nose up as his fingers grabbed the edge of the stopper and the other hand grabbing a towel. It was a blur of course as he wrapped his son up in the fluffy towel, warming it a little. "Lana! Lana!" He started yelling for her, walking out as he heard her coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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