Chapter 3: Tobias

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Chapter 3: Tobias

When I woke up I was in a daze. sitting up, I could see sunlight streaming in from the windows, and illuminating Tris's hair. A shining golden mop surrounded her head. I could see her mouth slightly parted. The others were still sleeping, and I could see their breaths condensing in the cold air. Not wanting to ruin the moment of absolute beauty I gingerly slid off the bed. I pulled my backpack from underneath the cot to get fresh clothes, and check the time. I easily pulled out my digital navy watch from the small pocket on top, and it read 8:00. After that, I grabbed my clothes and left for the bathroom to change.


When I came back, I saw Tris's breathing become faster. I knew she was waking up. I walked normally again, because it was time for everyone else to wake up too, and as soon as I got over I kissed her to reality. She sat up more with every second the kiss got more passionate. Soon, she was very much awake, and so were the rest of the crew.

"Hey! I knew that that was what woke me up!" Zeke called out over to us, a laughable pout was on his face.

Tris pulled away, and with a mischievous smile she retorted, "Oh, shut it Zeke! We all know you like Shauna! So stop being jealous and kiss her!"

Shauna laughed as Zeke blushed. Everyone else also chuckled. By the time we were all ready it was 9:00 and the line for breakfast was at its highest length. All of us groaned when we got there, not only for the line but, we could also see piles of famous blueberry waffles. After what seemed like a forever of annoying and terrible mouth watering boredom, we sat down at a table outside on the wooden patio, overlooking pine trees that were enjoining the first day of sunshine since the beginning of winter. At inhaled the crisp air, and dug in.


Tris and I wandered the corridors after breakfast holding hands. We talked about silly random things, and after a moment of silence, Tris asked, "Tobias?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I can't stay here forever," We stopped walking. "In order to stay on earth, I have to complete the job Castiel and Sherlock gave me."

I nodded, "Ok, but what exactly is the task, and can I come with you?"

She gazed into my eyes, "I have to find some objects, but of course you can come with me."

I smiled, "Fine."

We took each other's hands and continued down the corridor.

After making a few turns we ended up at the garden where I found out she was alive.

Tris spontaneously went over to one of the flower pots and brushed the snow off, it revealed some red, four petal flowers. I went over to the next one and did the same. My pot secreted yellow tulips. After ten minutes we had tended to the whole garden. After brushing off her hands, Tris announced, "I'm not sure if we should water them because it might freeze, and become ice in the soil. "

"Yeah," I said. "I suggest not."

She walked back over to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. The tension in my shoulders relaxed, I pulled away to breathe. I looked at Tris, "I keep on saying it so often it sounds cheesy but, I love you."

"Tobias," She looked intensely into my eyes. "What would have to happen for us to break apart?"

In that moment I knew it. I knew that nothing would ever break us apart. When I looked at her perfect face, I knew that she was the only person who knew my fears. Who had helped me through them. I knew that forever, I would understand her; and she would understand me. We together, had been through so much, not even death or space could truly break us. No human could either. I knew then, that there was no reason for us to even consider anything that could break us. I was going to marry Tris.

Our clasped hands swung as we walked back inside. I was smiling giddily. We walked back to our dorms and opened the door, we found everyone getting out warm clothes.

Christina glanced over at us, "I found a hinking trail!"

Tris grinned, "Cool! How long till we leave?"

As Christina pulled on a water proof jacket she said, "Probably 15 minutes. Hurry up though, I want to take lunch with us."

"Great!" Tris said ecstatically.

Zeke asked me, "Hey, you're coming too right?"

"I could never say no. Dauntless and Erudite going on a snowy hike, what," I paused dramatically. "Could go wrong?" Everyone chuckled, and got a mischievous look on their faces.

I got my stuff together quickly, and since I knew that this would be a perfect time to propose, I ran down the hall looking for a particular place I hoped would have something. When we first entered the experiment study base, I noticed that there were mini shops in between all the offices and stuff. One particular shop was a jewelry store. I ran in, and almost knocked over a stand. The worker there, a round balding guy with a brown shirt and a name tag that said Geoffe, glared at me. In my rush, I said sorry, but asked him about an extremely simple gold ring, with at the most, three super small diamonds. An abnegation style ring. He lost his glare when he noticed that I was serious, so he went behind the counter and pulled out a small box. At the glass counter, I looked at it, and while it was ok, I wondered whether he had the same style, but with swirly engravings in the gold. He looked at me and said, "yes as a matter of fact." as he pulled out the box. The diamonds on top were a little bigger than I asked, but it turned out that that was perfect. The three diamonds made a small and tight triangle on top. Two swirly engravings flew out from the diamonds. and went to either side of the ring before ending halfway, and curling. I knew Tris would love it. I ran back to the dorms and saw Cara laughing at something Caleb said, and Christina glaring at me due to my lateness.

"Sorry I'm late." I said.

Zeke said, "Whatever, allonsy!" and he started walking outside.

Tris replied with a very quizative look asked, "Allonsy? What's that supposed to mean?"

Zeke laughed, "It's french for lets go!"

"Hey!" I wondered, "Who taught you french?"

"My mom." he said simply.

"Cool." I thought. Strangely, languages of other countries were still retained in Chicago, even though they had no use. Since they taught us about the human brain, Erudite studied them, and people whose ancestors belonged to the other countries.

We walked past the fence patrol, and we reached the edge of the snowy woods. I had brought my compass, and a map. We entered the woods.

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