Flightless Birds

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Some birds are too large and heavy to fly. These include Cassowaries, Penguins, and Ostriches. Through evolution, these birds lost the ability to fly. Peacocks are known as flightless birds, but they can definitely fly. Peacocks can't fly too high, however. Flamingos are also mistaken for flightless birds, but flamingos can fly up to 500 MPH. Penguins are the most popular flightless bird, and live in the south pole, away from polar bears. Penguins do not fly, but have other means of traveling other than waddling. Sliding; Penguins jump on their bellies and slide through the slippery ice of glaciers. They also swim in the ice cold water to catch and eat fish. Ostriches are the fastest flightless bird, reaching an average running speed of 43 MPH and having a large stamina. Ostriches can outrun cars and are close to worthy of going up against a cheetah in a race. Cassowaries are the most deadly large bird, with razor sharp claws and a deadly kick. Cassowaries have been known to kick-- and kill dogs and humans. Cassowaries have also killed humans through use of their claws, cutting their opponent a fatal wound.

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