Chapter 1

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"You're dead." I said, tears streaming down my face as I looked into the eyes of my father. "I watched you die. I buried you." The tears kept coming, transforming now into sobs that made my whole body tremble. He gave me a knowing smile,
"I am never leaving Feyre." I don't know whether he was trying to comfort me or just telling me something I already knew. Another ghost to add to the collection that only seemed to have grown since Clair. "I will always be here." His voice was as ghostly as his complexion, as his form began to fade away.

I woke, spluttering and gasping with tear stained cheeks and a sweat-covered brow. I felt Rhys shift, and I kept myself facing the other direction towards the dresser. His cold and sooting touch made itself present on my shoulder.
"The nightmare?" He asked me quietly and I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into his chest. I shuffled myself around and buried my face into the crook of his neck.
"500 years, and I can not let it go." I said quietly, more to myself than to him.
"500 years, and I will never let you go." He said, no louder than a whisper. "Sometimes you hold on for a reason." A small smile formed on my lips as I closed my eyes and let myself drift back to sleep.


The light from sunrise shone through my closed eyelids and I groaned. I felt Rhys's rumbling laugh against me, and sat up, still attempting to keep my eyes closed, picked up my pillow and swung it at him. I grinned to myself when I hit something solid, only to frown when I opened my eyes to see it had hit the bed post. 
"You try." He said, smirking. I swung again, hitting him square in the jaw and planting a smirk on my own face.
"And succeed." I said, heaving myself out of bed and walking towards the dresser.
"Some of the time." He continued and I turned back to face him, feigning an exasperated expression.
"That is no way to talk to a High Lady."
"Yet hitting a High Lord with a pillow is fine?" I smirked again and turned back to the dresser just as the door creaked open, causing me to swivel around once again.

"Mummy? Daddy?" A small voice said as a head peeked around the door.
"Hello darling." Rhys said, crouching down as the child the Bone Carver had shown me all those years ago ran into his open arms. Emron Juniper Archeron. Our son.
"You're up early today." I said, as he ran over to hug me too.
"Aunty Nesta and Uncle Cassian were fighting again." He said, his childish lisp still prominent. I sighed, Nesta and Cassian's 'talks' often resulted in Nesta shouting at Cassian, and Cassian making her shout at him even more. I did understand why they were mates though, they were meant for each other. The mating bond snapped into place merely ten years after their first meeting. 
"Well then," I said, lifting him up into my arms, "we better tell them what we think of their little talk at breakfast shall we?" Emron grinned, nodding his head repeatedly. I smiled back at him, my little star.


We all walked into the dining room to an arguing Nesta and Cassian, and a fed up Mor, Azriel and Elain. The prior of which immediately stopped when we walked into the room. Their child, Alston, peeped his head out from behind a chair and grinned mischievously at Emron, who did the same back. 
"Go play now." I said, putting Emron down after carrying him all the way here, and he ran off, wings sprouting as he did so, as he and Alston flew around near the ceiling. They were just like their fathers. I smiled.
"What have you two been fighting about this time?" Rhys said, sighing slightly. I was honestly surprised no one spoke. I raised my eyebrows,
"What?" This was unusual for them. They always spoke, even when their High Lord and Lady walked into the room.
"I'm pregnant." Elain said, no louder than a whisper.



Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first Chapter of my story, and I also hope that you will continue to read! (As well as check out my other books :P)
Vote, comment and share!

PS. I am going into exam week this coming week, so updates may not occur for another week if there are none in the next couple of day, but I will try!

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