Chapter 2

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My eyes widened as my mouth gaped open. Tears of joy slid down my cheeks as my ears blocked out the sounds of the boys playing above us. I squealed and ran over to hug my sister,
"Why are you only telling me now?" I said, still grinning from ear to ear. I was going to be an aunt again, this time for my other sister.
"Because I knew you were going to do that." Elain mumbled. "And we had guests last week who would not have appreciated it." Lucien and the Spring Court Lords had visited last week to sort out some rather pressing issues to do with alliances should there be another war, however unlikely. Which had ended as a rather large flop. Lucien couldn't stop glaring at Azriel the entire time, and Azriel has growled and snarled more times than I had ever seen him do. Elain has rejected her mating bond, only to find that she had more than one mate. The other being the sweet shadow-singer who had looked after her every day I was away.
"Lucien already seemed royally pissed off." Cassian added in, giving a pointed look towards Azriel, who shrugged, and Cassian's attention turned back to me and Elain. "Wise choice." Then promptly after, Nesta shouted up at the boys,
"If you choose to play with those wooden swords and hit them that hard against each other, do so away from my head because you are dropping sawdust on me." She said, a slightly irritated expression on her face, and I noticed a slight dusting of something on her hair, probably the sawdust. 
"Yes mum." Alston said in a sing-song voice, as him and Emron flew out of the room, presumably to the training ring.
"Those two are far to much like their fathers." She muttered, just loud enough so that everyone at the table could hear her. Cassian gave her a mischievous grin,
"And is that a bad thing?" Nesta gave him a withering glare that would have sent most running. Immortality had honed her fire into something sharper, more intense.
"This is exactly what I mean." She hissed, before standing up sharply out of her chair. "Now. I am going to the ring to make sure those two don't pick up any real swords. Feel free to join." She cast a gaze over all of us. "You also look like you could use some training." And with that, she left the room with long, confident stride as always. I sighed, nothing about immortality had phased her, even when she discovered that the Cauldron had left her more than just what she had stolen. Cassian huffed, rushing off behind her. I laughed quietly when they both left the room. All eyes gazed at me, puzzled.
"She may be his mate and all," I said, still smiling, "but I have never seen Cassian leave this room so quickly." Matching smiles planted themselves on my friends faces.


One hour. We had been sparring for one hour, and neither of us seemed anywhere close to tiring. I remember the first time I had sparred with Cassian and lasted no longer than a minute, and that was when he wasn't trying. But now, after 500 years, I could finally say I had matched the Illyrian warrior.
"I remember the first time we sparred," he said, voicing my current thoughts, "you could barely last a minute." He laughed lightly and I did the same, both of us still focused intently on the fighting, not on the small talk.
"And you could barely hold your tongue." I said, suddenly getting bored of this fight. I smiled wickedly for a split second before I said, "Can I use magic. Just to spice things up a bit." He raised his brows where sweat now gathered, glistening in the sunlight.
"Just so you can win?" I grinned at him.
"Of course not, you need a challenge." I said and he raised his brows further, both of our swords still no more than flashed of steel in the corner of my vision. "You're nearly ten centuries old, you need more of a challenge to keep improving." He sighed.
"I guess." I grinned and before he could say another word I winnowed behind him and put my sword to the back of his neck before whispering in his ear.
"I win." 
"I swear to the Cauldron you have never changed." He murmered under his breath and I laughed lightly, tucking the sword back into my belt.


Let the procrastination commence! I am so sick of studying, so you get a reactively long/short chapter. Hope you enjoy it! Keep commenting and voting, it makes my day!

PS. Starting my new job in 4 days, so don't expect too many updates for another week or so : )

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