I. Movies

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EDITED 2/19/2018*****

I sheepishly smiled and waved to the small bird that was perched up in the tree next to me. Its dark eyes stared down at me intensely. I clutched the freshly printed movie tickets in my hands, hoping that it wouldn't make any attempts to steal the highlight of my day. My boyfriend was leaving with his regiment to England tomorrow, and I knew Steve was going to be coming back with another 4F stamp on his application form, so this movie was going to be my treat, even if it was going to cost a whole day's salary. 

Once I saw Steve's small stature approach me, I waved and smiled consolingly. I stood up from the bench and gave him a quick hug. "How did it go, Champ?"

His sad, blue eyes told the whole story. "Not well, Ann..." He groaned in frustration and lightly kicked the leg of the bench. The gentle thud reminded me of him. A soul that was a force to be reckoned with, but a body too fragile to express it. "Let's just go watch the movie." He motioned me to follow him into the cinema. I gave the usher our tickets and he pointed us to our theater. "Do you want some popcorn?" Steve asked, pulling out his wallet.

"I got it, Steve," I replied, holding a couple quarters up between my fingers. "The Amazing Ann got paid today." I grinned excitedly, happy to show him the fruit of my labor at the diner. "Why don't you go save us a seat?" 

Steve smiled gratefully and pocketed his wallet. "Thanks. You got everything planned today, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. I'll get you a Coke." I shooed him off and turned to the concessions counter to order a large popcorn and three Cokes. Once I paid, and employee returned with my order, I realized that maybe I didn't have everything planned out. "Shit..."

A soft chuckle resonated in my ears. "Looks like you got yourself into quite the predicament... Need any help, Baby Doll?" A familiar voice said from behind me. I squealed as I turned to see Bucky standing behind me with his arms wide open. I gleefully jump into his arms as he twirled me around in the middle of the lobby, completely forgetting where we were. I clung to his uniform and kissed him happily. 

"You're just in time, soldier."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, Annie." He pulled away and planted a warm kiss on my forehead. He smiled at the family behind us and nodded in apology for making them wait. He took the popcorn into one arm with a Coke in that hand, and held another soda in his other hand. His arm was extended for me to take. "Come on, Doll, we don't want to keep Steve waiting."

"Right!" I hurriedly grabbed my Coke and linked my arm in his, following Bucky to our theater. I looked around, but failed to see my brother anywhere. We looked at each other worriedly. "Maybe he had to pee?" I wondered aloud. I pulled Bucky towards some girls sitting in the aisle seats and asked, "Excuse me, but have you seen a frail little guy with blond hair wearing a khaki coat?"

"Oh... Yeah..." The girls looked at each other before one smiled at me awkwardly and responded, "He got taken out the side exit... He upset this big guy over a war ad..."

"Of course he did." Bucky groaned before motioning me to unlink arms. He handed me the stuff in his arms. "Why don't you sit down and enjoy the movie, Annie, I'll handle this." He adjusted his cap and placed another kiss on my head. He urged me to take a seat.

"But..." Before I could continue, the lights darkened, and the opening credits to Bambi appeared on the screen. 

He whispered to me, "You've been wanting to see this all month, and I've got the letters to prove it. I'll be back in a jiffy, I promise." He opened the door out of the theater, his body glowing from the incoming light, like the savior that he was. He was always like this, taking care of us Rogerses. He was Steve's and my best friend and protector since childhood, and he and his family have always been there for us. From Dad's mustard gas incident to Mom's tuberculosis, they the Barnes family has supported us through everything.  

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't just stand by as he swooped in to save my troublesome brother. The movie could wait. Steve probably already had a bloody nose that needed tending to. I gave the popcorn to the girls and took the Coke bottles outside with me.

As I went out the front exit, I was blinded by the strong light, but I was able to pick out a tall man come running out of the alleyway next to the theater. I avoided his retreating figure and peaked into the alley to see my two boys approaching me. I sigh in relief seeing them both, for the most part, unharmed. No limps, no bloody noses, my boys were fine. "I'm surprised," I called out to them.

"Why?" Steve replied.

"Your face is still there." I joked, handing him his soda.  

Bucky wrapped his arm around me. "Good thing too, because we're going out." 

"Where?" Steve asked.

Bucky handed him a newspaper with the World Exposition of Tomorrow on the front page. "The future."


I wanted to keep my 16-year-old spirit alive, so I think I'll keep the old author's notes below my new ones... Anyways, thank you so much for reading this new, updated chapter of Night Owl! I hope you all enjoyed it! To completely start anew, I updated the cover too. It looks much more sophisticated, doesn't it? I also changed Anne's name to Ann. Her real name is Anna, so like I thought maybe it would be less confusing? I don't know. Tell me what you guys think with a comment!




What?? Another new fan fiction??

I know what you're thinking, and it is probably in loud and frustrated screams. How am I supposed to finish a stupid story if I keep on making new ones? Well good question! I'll have to get back to you on that.

BUT ANYWAYS! I've been like Sebastian Stan/Bucky Barnes crazy for the past few weeks and I really really really really couldn't help it. Like I tried, really I did, to hold off writing it. I wrote down plans and another set of plans because the old plans didn't work out as well, and I just... Yeah.

I actually planned this one out relatively well. Hence relatively. There's still some holes here and there... *sighs*

Okay! So I hope you like it! I mean like who doesn't like Bucky Barnes? He's great, okay?

I have big plans for this story. It'll be something I write for fun. It'll be much more than just a Bucky story, since like hey. There's like 70 years of blank space that I have some fun and interesting things for my new character, Annie to experience.

This chapter is unedited, so I apologize in advance if anything is wrong. :c Along with any historical inaccuracies and how things in the army work! Please, I am very clueless, and if you could please correct me in a kind way, that would be nice.

As always, don't forget to comment and vote! Those are highly appreciated and I really would like some feedback.

<3 Rosie

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