VIII. Gone

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Two days after the party, I started receiving letters again. Steve said he was in Italy, and saved Bucky and the 107th from a Hydra base in Austria. Like any sane person would, I was frustrated from the fact that he would risk his life by doing that, but thankful since he saved our best friend. 

Bucky sent a letter as well, trying to convince me that he was perfectly fine, knowing that I would send him a letter asking him endless questions on his health and well being. Notice how I said trying to convince me, because obviously, he wasn’t “perfectly fine.” Steve told me how he was a mess when he found him strapped down to a table. I cried when he went into some of the details. 

For two months after that, them two, along with what they called “The Howling Commandos” successfully took out every Hydra base they could find in Europe. I was proud of them, and praised them for their work. Over those months, Captain America had become really popular in the United States. Captain America comic books were being sold, and so were Captain America trading cards. And since I was such a supportive younger sister, I bought every single one I could find. But sadly, once again, the letters stopped. 

My life was quiet for a week until there was a knock on my door. I groaned. I had to leave within ten minutes or I was going to be late for work. I pulled up my hair into a bun and tied my apron. At the door was Agent Carter. “Peggy?” I questioned. “What are you doing here?”

She looked down at my uniform. “I’m sorry, were going out to work?”

“Yes, but I still have time.” I move out of the doorway. “Come in! I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Yes. It’s been a long time,” she said sadly.

“So why are you here?”  I asked.

“I have some news… I thought that you deserved to hear it personally.”

I paused. “...What kind of news?”

“You might want to sit down, for this.”

Silently, I sat down on the edge of my couch. “What is the news, Peggy?” I demanded.

“Hydra has been defeated.” She tried to smile.


“They’re gone,” Peggy lamented.

My heart dropped. “What?”

“Jame- Bucky. Him and Steve, they…” she drew a sharp breath. “Bucky and Steve went on a mission to raid a Hydra train in the Alps. They managed to capture the scientist, Arnim Zola, but… Bucky fell off the train.”


“After his death, Steve had a plan to end Hydra once and for all. He was going to ride into the Hydra base, and have the troops follow after him. The plan was working… But then he followed Schmidt onto his plane. The plane began to fall…” she sobbed.


“The plane was to hit New York City...”

I gasped.

“But Steve managed to bring it down into the Arctic before it could destroy the city.”

“H-Have you found him?” 

Peggy shook her head. “Howard’s out there right now looking for him.”

I sobbed and tried to wipe my tears, but more came to replace them. “Thank you, Peggy. Thank you for coming and telling me.” I gave her a bone-crushing hug and sighed. “I-I have to go to work…” 

“Do you want me to drive you?” she offered.

“N-no thank you. I… I should walk. It’ll help me think.”

“Okay,” she agreed. 

We exited my apartment and I locked the door. “You’ll find him, right?” 

Peggy placed her hand on my shoulder. “We will do everything we can to find your brother, Anne.” Peggy left in the same black car from before. My heart clenched when I thought back to when I first saw the car. Steve was still short and skinny when he opened the door for me… I fought back the tears as I walked down the sidewalk towards the diner. I would never see my caring older brother again. I would never see my beautiful boyfriend again. The war took everything from me… And I want them back.



Shorter... But oh, well. :P

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<3 Rosie

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