The 4 letter word limited to restrictions

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      The feel of those lips was still remembered to this day, it was never suppose to feel so wonderful, breathless, enchanting...  For g-d sake, it was just a kiss, time to grow up and move on, I tryed to reason with myelf.

 The past year, that kiss was unforgetable and now that he's suddenly coming back, it won't stop replaying in my mind.

 It was never suppose to happen, much less bring up emotions that was never there to begin with.  

He's an idot that doesn't deserve to be though about once much less twice, I tryed to convice myself, who am kidding I'm just upset that he didn't contact me once this past year.  

  The thing was he was always flirting with me and thats just his character- outgoing, loveable personaility that people couldn't help but not mad at.  

Those lips so soft and passionate that no restrictions applied, no amount of limitations held me from leaning into that kiss.

 I wish to g-d that he didn't move my hair from my face on that winter, cold windly day, but g-d help I don't regret it, even if it was the bigget mistake of my life.

  'Anne, how much sugar are you going to pour in your tea', my adopted mother fanatically asked.  

It was an early Sunday, a bright early morning and at last the sun was out, my mother and I were at home, while my brothers were out with adopted father.  

She was well aware what was on my mind.

 Of course, not specificly but yea she knew that there was once a guy that blow me off my feet, but what she doesn't know is the who and that she is better off not knowing.  

'Opps, sorry mom there's alot on mind' I apologizely replied.  

There was so much to apologize for, so much that I wish with all my heart that I didn't feel.  This person took me in when I was two, raised me up for fifteen years and gave me the best life I could ever wish for.  

I found out a year that the Basett's family wasn't my real family, but not by my adopted parents, rather by chance. In fact they don't even know that I know the truth.

'It's okay babygirl, I'm just worried that your tea will be too sweet for your liking, want to share with your mom what's got you so distracted, lately' , my mother always knew when something bothered me.

 I'm not surprised she said that but what surprised me was how I couldn't keep my emotions at bay. I couldn't even keep my eyes from revealing the truth.

I finally understood why my friends call me an open book,  the truth lies in my eyes, even when I don't want people to know. 

   'Mom, I'm seventeen already I'm not your babygirl, anymore and besides nothing is on my mind except for finals that are overwhelming me', I didn't lie but I didn't tell the truth, either.  

It's hard to lie to the people that raised me up, especially when they did so no questions asked.

 " Don't worry too much, I have faith in you that you're going to pass all of them with A's" , my mother confidently said.

 She totally ignored my comment about being her babygirl, but I secretly love her saying that even at the age of seventeen, I love knowing that I have someone that loves me and has so much faith in me.  

Despite those lips, or even the fact that she is not my real mother, it makes me appreciate what I have and what I stand to lose if I give in to this new desire, this new longing that is unforgetable to forget.  

Those lips, oh so sweet and oh so desirable, it makes my body feel so hot, just thinking about it.                       

Anne, don't think about it, don't go there again, don't.

     When will the longing for him go away, him coming back will only add on and then, day and night I won't stop thinking about him.  

I won't even sleep at night knowing that those lips are near by, so close that they're within reach.  

Oh my g-d, I'm getting deperate, needy and conflicted.Oh, no Anne, you need to come-down and forget him, he is not yours and will never be yours.

 " Babygirl, are you alright you look a little pale",  my mother brought me out of thoughs and thank g-d she did because if she didn't I was going to go nuts.

" I'm fine, mom just worried about my english finals, I have to write a two page essay in class on any topic my teacher picks', a low voice from out of me spoke .

Yet again, I wasn't fully telling the truth, but this time I didn't have a choice.

  I wasn't given a choice when the one I was thinking about was the forbidden fruit.

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