tAgGeD?!? (darkdisrepair)

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Do you have a crush?

yes, on carleigh freakin bettiol ;)

Favorite movie?

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Favorite TV show?

marvel's agents of shield

Do I miss my ex?

HAHA no i've never dated

Girl I trust?

abby (love ya pal)

Boy I trust?

*hisses* no one, trust no one (jk i do trust guys)

Favorite song?

right now it's probably that would be enough sung by my queen carleigh

Celebrity crush?

my savior carleigh bettiol

Favorite quote?

i just found this cause i'm lazy and don't want to be extra and do a harry potter quote so here's a random one i found on the internet for entertainment

"i'm going to stand outside, so that if anyone asks, i am outstanding."

Best friends?

i have this weird thing where right now in life i don't necessarily have best friends. it's kinda sad but i have a lot of friends in a group so that's pretty chill too, but my dog is also my best friend and i tell her that all the time like "(insert my dog's name here), my best friend! come over here so i can pet you!" etc.

Favorite food?

french fries

Biggest fears?


Favorite stores?

barnes & noble, bath and body works, and amazon

Favorite candy?

twizzlers/gummy bears

Last person you texted?

well i dmed abby and i texted my mom so there #exposed


to be honest i'm lazy and don't want to tag people cause that involves searching for people to tag so if you vote on this chapter you should do it

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