Chapter 1: One Leg In, One Leg Out

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What up Kingsman fans! I loved the new movie but I wished they hadn't KILLED OFF ROXY AND MERLIN!!! I hope they find a way to bring them back in the movies, but until then, I present to you My very first story and my first of many Kingsman stories. Enjoy!


***Cambodia, Poppy's Base***

Eggsy and Harry had just walked off, even though they didn't want to leave their friend/colleague. But it was his choice, though stupid, it was honorable.

(Merlin's POV)

Well, this isn't exactly how I expected this mission to go, most definitely not how I expected to die. Death by landmine, talk about going out with a bang...... Well if this how I die, then it's gonna be special... John Denver, this one's for you...

"Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountain, Shenandoah River."

I cut down a few branches so that the guards can see me and drop the knife before I continue,

"Life is old there, Older than the trees, Younger than the mountains, Blowin' like a breeze,"

One of the guards, I'm assuming the leader, gets closer and holds out a radio.

"Country Roads, Take Me Home, to the place, I belong. West Virginia, Mountain Mama. Take Me Home, Country Roads."

When the guard gets right in front of me, I take off my glasses and headbutt him. He drops to the ground and the others raise their guns and continue to walk forward as I start again.

"Country Roads, Take Me Home, to the place, I belong. West Virginia, Mountain mama. Take Me Hooome, Country RooooooooAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADS!"

And with my final breath, I took my foot off the landmine and-[BOOM].

(Still Merlin's POV)

[GROAN]Where am I? The last thing I remember is trying to save Eggsy and Harry form a land mine. So does that mean I'm dead? Am I in heaven? Cause I'm pretty sure Hell doesn't have any green in it. Wait? Green? My vision's a bit blurry. I look down and from the feel of it, I'm on dirt. Dirt? Wait a minute?

My vision clears up and I look up to see the entrance to something called 'Poppy Land'. That's right! We were infiltrating her base. Well, guess I better go see if I could still he-"WOAH!" What the? My left leg feels funny like I can barely feel it. The blast must've broken it or somethi-. Oh my God, Oh, my GOD!

I looked down at my legs, and one of them is missing! From the top of my left knee down, it's gone! I look at my other leg which seems to be still intact. I can still feel my toes so that's ok. But I can't walk. Looks like I'm gonna have to crawl... Here we go.

(Regular POV)

Eggsy, Harry, Whiskey and Sir Elton were walking out of Poppy's Diner when Egssy looked ahead and saw something moving towards them.

"The f*** is that?" He asked out loud, pointing to the strange figure slowly getting closer.

"I don't know," Harry replied tipping his head. Eggsy used his glasses to zoom in and saw... Nah, it can't be. "MERLIN!" The three agents run toward their fallen comrade only to see that he's missing a leg.

"Merlin, are you alright?" Harry asks as he and Eggsy slowly flip their friend over and lay him on his back.

"Well, most of me," Merlin replied.

"Whiskey, does the Alpha Gel heal lost limbs too?" Eggsy asked the blue-clad southern agent.

"Yeah somewhat,"He said taking a packet out of his coat pocket and handing it to Eggsy, "But it'll just protect it for a while but we won't be able to fully heal it until we get back to the HQ."

Eggsy opened and applied the Alpha Gel, and stuck the needles in and the gel began its work. Finishing, Eggsy and Harry threw Merlin's arms around their shoulders and carried him back to the plane. As they did, they were glad that their friend was still alive and hopefully they wouldn't lose anyone else.


BOOM goes the dynamite! Well, what did you guys think? I was pissed that they killed both Merlin AND Roxy! But don't worry, I've got a way to bring Roxy back. Also, I know that Whiskey is still alive in this, that's because I found a way to keep him around 'cause I think he still could've been a good guy so I'll explain that later. The next chapter will show how Merlin gets his leg back and I'm also starting a Merlin and Ginger pairing. I mean I can't be the only one who thought they had good chemistry, right? If anyone else thinks that they did, should it be called: Merlinger, Gin, or Gingerlin. Let me know and I'll see you guys next chapter. Good Night Bruvs.

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