Chapter 2: The Boot

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The team made it back to Kentucky and immediately rushed Merlin to the med-bay. When they walked in, Ginger's eyes widened. She rushed over and helped them lay Merlin down on the bed.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"He stepped on a landmine." Eggsy said.

"Jack, go get The Boot!"

Jack(Agent Whiskey) ran over to a cabinet and pulled out what looked like a normal cowboy boot with some strapping on it and walked back over to the bed.

"You're very lucky, Merlin," Ginger said strapping the boot onto his nub of a leg, "If your leg had been any shorter, we would've had to use The Overalls."

"Well, what's this boot gonna do?" Merlin asked pointing at The Boot.

"This is a healing device I fashioned out of a boot. It uses the Nanites to restore the leg all the way down to the pinkie toe. And since you guys already used the Alpha Gel, it's already started to heal the wound, this'll speed up the process so you'll be fully healed within a week. "

"Well, that's comforting to know," Merlin said laying his head back.

So after a few minutes, the others left so that Merlin could rest. Which left only him and Ginger in the med-bay.

"So how was the field?" She asked.

"Other than getting half of my leg blown off, not bad," Merlin replied dramatically "I got to sing Country Roads in my final moment."

This made Ginger laugh, she too enjoyed John Denver. That was another thing she noticed that she and Merlin had in common. The other being that they were both incredibly smart, and thirsting for adventure.

"You get some rest now, Merlin," She said rubbing his shoulder.

"I will, thank you, Ginger." Merlin closed his eyes and slowly let sleep take over him. "Good night."

"Good night, Merlin." Ginger walked out over to her table where she could sit and keep an eye on him.

She wouldn't say it out loud, but she had grown very fond of Merlin within the short time that knew him.

But what she didn't know was that he felt a certain warmth for her too. In all his life, Merlin had never seen someone who's skills matched his own. And boy, she was smart as she was pretty. Maybe one day they'd get to tell each other how they felt.


Well there it is. I know it's really short but the rest I had was really for the next chapter. So please don't hate me, cause I'll be back before you know it. See y'all!

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