Who am I?

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Larry's P.O.V

"He's not doing well he might not wake up, I'm sorry" I heard a voice say Who are they talking about? Where am I? "No! He gotta wake up don't tell me that bullshit!" another voice yelled this one had a very heavy accent like he was just learning english. What's going on? All I see is darkness I tried to opened my eyes but I couldn't it felt like they were too heavy to opened I tried to move my body but the same thing I couldn't move I was numb. -

-Days Later- I'm still trapped I can't move, I can't open my eyes, I can't do anything I'm just trapped "Larry..." I heard that same voice from the other day then someone's hand in mine "Please wake up my brother....I need you.....Please wake up, come back to me" he said. Wh-Who is that? Who is Larry? Wait who am I? -Weeks Later- I still can't move. I still don't know who I am or why I'm like this, why I'm stuck. Who am I? What has happen to me? -More weeks Later- Now and days I've been getting some feeling back in my body I think I'll be able to open my eyes soon I can move my hands and tilt my head. "Larry?" that same voice again. Who is he? "Larry can you open your eyes?" he asked I tilt my head to one side then the other telling him I couldn't -Next Day- Today is way better then before I think I have the strength to open my eyes and even move. I slowly opened my eyes I was met with a white ceiling I moved my arm up to wipe my eyes. "Oh my god!" a female yelled "He-He's awake!" she yelled again then loud footsteps filled the room then faded away. I pushed myself up. I looked around the room I was in the hospital? I looked over to face a wide-eyed nurse "W-Where am-am I?" I asked her the door flew open and in ran a nurse and a doctor "No way" the doctor said in shock as he looked at me like I was an alien or something. I looked over even more confused than they are. "No one is answering me!" I yelled at them they quickly got themselves together and they came over to me "Who am I?" I asked the nurse and doctor looked at each other "You don't remember?" the Doctor asked I looked at his name tag 'Dr.Brody' I shook my head no. Dr. Brody looked over at the nurse and sighed I looked over to the window in my room I was in a city I could tell by all the large building outside the hospital window. "You're Larry Nicholas Bourgious, a Hip Hop Dancer, Born in Paris France,You have a Twin brother named Laurent Nicholas Bourgious" Dr. Brody read off a piece of paper. "We have to contact the family" the Nurse told Dr. Brody after an hour or so my room door flew open a guy walked in he looked exactly like me which I found weird how could there be someone who looks exactly like I do. This guy looked at me with widened eyes like he was so shocked to see me alive "Larry...." he breathed out the nurse walked over to him and whispered something in his ear his eyes seemed to widen more "he-he doesn't remember me?" he asked the nurse she nodded "Who are you?" I asked he came over and sat on my bed with me "I'm Laurent, You partner in crime, best friend, we been here for each other since before our hearts could even beat. I'm your twin brother" Laurent looked down and smiled at his memories Laurent....My head began to throb Agh fuck _-Flashback-_ Laurent and I were in the streets playing around as we always did "My brother, You want to try to dance for the people here?" Laurent asked I looked around at all the people that passed by doing their own things I shrugged and nodded Laurent took out our small radio that mama had bought us he turned on our usual station I was up first as usual "You got this my brother just show them what you got" Laurent whispered to me he must have known that I was nervous the music started and I could feel it I could feel every beat I began to dance the best I could I looked back at my brother who had a huge smile on his face looked back and a crowd was beginning to form around us. After about four hours of us dancing Laurent and I took a bow and began walking back home we didn't want to get in trouble with mama because it was getting pretty late out. I looked over at Laurent then at the ground in front of me "What's wrong?" Laurent asked I looked back up at him and sighed "How is it that you always know when something is bothering me?" I asked he looked at me then stopped walking he put his hands on my shoulders "We are connected my brother, you're my best friend, my partner in crime, my everything" He said sincerely "Are we ever going to get anywhere?" I asked he made a shocked face but then shook it off "what do you mean?" He asked "Are we ever going to get off these streets? Are we going to ever going to be somebody instead of being a nobody our whole lives?" I asked him. He chuckled I raised an eyebrow why is he laughing "Larry you will always be a somebody to me and of course just be patient my brother we will make it" Laurent pulled me into a hug I hugged him tight I can't wait till I make it with my brother, my best friend -Flashback ends- I gasped shaking my head and my headache was gone I looked up at a laurent a thousand memories filled my mind as I looked into the eyes of my best friend. "Laurent..." I reached my hand up and placed it onto his cheek he grabbed my hand pulling it off "Larry? Y-You remember me?" he asked I nodded slowly "I-I don't know how" I answered honestly Laurent chuckled and shook his head "What else do you remember" he asked "I dance" I said quickly he smiled widely "You remember dance, good" he smirked I chuckled

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