The beginning

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The girls reptilian green eyes darted about, scanning over everything. The pair of rich gold eyes beside her did the exact same. There was a crunch of leaves, and the girl hissed at her pack mates.

"Quiet you baffoons!"

"I haven't been to beacon hills in... Two and a half years" the boy murmured, and the girl glanced at him.

The boy remembered why he left beacons hills, he left because of him. 

The boy sighed. "he promised us a sanctuary, he's only here to build his pack" the girl murmured. "I know, I know" the boy hissed.

Someone cleared there throat, and the pack all turned. The three boys, and three girls. The Italian, reptilian eyed girls eyes widened and her green eyes melted back to the coffee brown.

"Come on, we've got a place to stay"
Mr fear grinned.

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