suck my -

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Song//Guillotine - Jon bellion


"go away"


"go. Away"


Liam groaned, and slowly opened his eyes. Scott was standing there at the end of his bed, his arms crossed. "Liam come on, get up" Scott said, grabbing hold of the blankets covering Liam's body. Liam hissed, and rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a thud. "Why do I have to go to school?" Liam asked, standing up and holding onto the wall. "Cause you just do. Come on, three more weeks and you'll be out of school and then all you gotta worry about is college". "That's a lot to worry about Liam grumbled, and Scott raised an eyebrow. His red eyes flashed, and Liam's yellow eyes mirrored the actions. "Be ready in ten minutes, im taking you to school" Scott said, walking out of his room. Liam sighed, and got dressed cause Scott had practically ordered him too, and since Liam was such a good beta he listened to his alpha.

Liam walked downstairs, and grabbed his hoodie and his bag. Scott was in the kitchen, talking to Liam's dad. Liam grumbled something, and walked out into the kitchen. "If it isn't the little pup, morning li" his dad grinned, and Liam glared at him.

Ever since the war, everyone knew about the supernatural. Everyone. And Liam's dad used it to his advantage to tease and annoy his son.

Liam grabbed his dads slice of toast, and nodded. His dad huffed, and patted him on the back. Liam rolled his eyes, muttering a quick "Bye" before following Scott out of the door, and into his car. Liam rested his head on his hand, looking out the window.

Liam missed him. Liam missed the love of his life, who had disappeared over two years ago. Two years ago Liam's boyfriend had disappeared, without saying goodbye, without a trace. Liam, and the pack, presume the hunters got him. Or he's dead or dying. Liam still has hope that hes still alive.
How much I would love to just hear his voice again.

"I heard there are new students coming into your school today" Scott said, tugging Liam from his thoughts. "Really?" Liam asked, turning to face Scott. Scott nodded, his eyes glued to the road. "Yep. Coach has a couple down for tryouts for the team." Liam nodded, the school nearing up ahead. "Listen Liam, I know you miss him. But it's been nearly three years, you need- dont say it Scott. Cause not everyone can get over anyone. He was my everything!" Liam snapped, his eyes glowing a rich gold. Scott was taken aback, and remained silent as Liam got out of the car, slamming the door shut. He sighed, and began driving back to the house he and his boyfriend, Isaac, shared.

Liam entered the school, the over whelming scent of many supernatural a bit too much. His face was angry, as he made his way to his locker. Around it, was Nolan, Mason and Corey. Liams eyes were dark and scary, and Corey could sense the anger rolling of him. But it was mixed with sadness, and Corey looked at Mason. "we need to go. Leave him cool of for an hour" Corey whispered, gripping masons hand. Mason nodded, and he and Corey walked to masons locker.

Nolan chewed on his lip, looking at his best friend. "Hey li" he said softly, his deep blue eyes wide. Liam glared at him, and Nolan gulped. He quickly, well half tripped, jogged over to Mason and Corey.

Liam rooted through his locker, sighing. He grabbed his books, and headed towards his first class.
He walked to it, and sat down with his head in his hands.
"Right class, we have new students today". Liam looked up, to see two boys standing there.  One was blonde, with icy blue eyes. The other was a raven haired boy, with hair probably the same color as the night sky. He had bright green eyes, filled with mischief.

"Everyone, meet Carter and max"

Liam tilted his head. One of the boys eyes landed on him, Max, and his eyes narrowed. Carter clutched Max's elbow, and practically dragged him to the chairs two rows behind Liam. Liam found it a little strange, but went back to taking notes.

Liam drowned out the teachers voice, and his blue eyes were transfixed on his wrist. Around it, was a bracelet of gold ribbon with beads around it. The beads had a letter each on it, and they spelled out " t.r". Liam had never stopped wearing it.


Liam flinched, and looked up. "Keep your ears open!" the teacher glared, and liam rolled his eyes. He really disliked this class. Like really.

Before he knew it, this class was over. He groaned, standing up and getting his books. His next class was maths, and he felt someone brush against him. He turned his head, and saw the Two boys pass. They both had set jaws, and eyes filled with.. With anger. Anger. Liam raised an eyebrow, and looked down at the taller boys, carter, hand around max's wrist. His eyes narrowed when he noticed a very sharp pair of.. Claws?
"What the-" Liam blinked, and both the boy were gone.

I probably just imagined the whole thing.

Liam headed out of that class, and to his next. Mason sat beside him in English, but it was like he wasn't even there.

At lunch, Liam sat with Mason, Corey and Nolan. He picked at his food, and then sighed. Everyone was right, it had been nearly three years. Theo was probably out there, a family of his own and a life. Or he could be dead. Or he would be in prison. Or he could be on the run. Shut up Liam!

Liam ate his food, and the three boys noticed how quiet he was but just shrugged it of. Liam was probably just having an off day, everybody had one. Liam stood when the bell rang, leaving his tray there. Mason and Corey looked at each other, and Nolan chewed his lip.

In there third last class of the day, Mason noticed Liam wasn't there. He frowned, but Liam was leaning against his own locker. He sighed, and the blue eyes Brunette looked about, before shrugging his bag on and heading out of school. He walked Home, where his parents were at work.

He walked into the house, shutting the door with a sigh. "Skipping class Liam?". Liam jumped with a yelp, and noticed Scott standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Stop creeping into my house!" "I cant help it when your skipping class. What's wrong Liam?" Scott asked, and Liam knew he was just doing his job as an alpha. "I just.. I miss him Scott. It's been two years, seven months and twenty one days. I miss that idiotic chimera I called mine" Liam whispered, half to himself and half to Scott.

Scott sighed, and walked to Liam. "I know Liam, I know. I can smell it on you, and i need you to do something" Scott asked gently. Liam looked up. "What?".

"I need you, to let go"

Liam glared at him. "You don't think I haven't tried? I try and try scott, but I cant stop it. He was my mate! I tried absuloutly everything to find him. I put myself in danger!" Liam snapped.

And it was true, every part of it was true. He and Theo had stayed at Liam's house, stayed up late playing video games. The next morning, they had woken up at the same time cuddled into each other. Theo had said he was going for a run

And he never came back.
And Liam had done everything, stopped eating and stopped communicating with the pack. He had almost lost himself in the search for Theo, but he knew it had been hopeless. Theo was gone

Liam remembered that night like it was yesterday, like it had freshly just happened. Scott took a deep breathe, and bit his bottom lip. "Liam, just think about it" he said softly, before opening the door and going out. He closed it behind it, just as Liam growled and slammed his fist into the wall.
Liam took another deep breathe, and sighed. Scott was right, he needed to get over himself. And now

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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