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My name is Cameron Louis. My life sucked until I met the three girls who literally saved my life. This is how it happened.

Three years ago my parents were killed in a car wreck. They had gone to dinner one night and a drunk driver hit them on the way home. Before that my life was great. My family was together and I had friends. I was happy.

I heard about this kind of stuff on the news, but I never thought it would happen to me. One phone call rocked my world, and to think it could've been prevented if that man made one phone call. If he would've just called a friend, or an uber. One phone call came out of that night, and unfortunately it was to tell a group of kids they were now orphans.

I can't really describe how I felt. Yeah I was angry, sad, and confused, but I mainly just felt empty. The two people I looked up to, I loved, and I leaned on we're just ripped away from me. I won't drag it on any longer because I think you get the point.

I was happy until that phone call.

Then you're thinking at least you have your siblings. At least you guys have each other. I did too until I was proven wrong. We didn't have any family fit enough to care for us, so we were thrown into the system.

No one wanted four kids, so I was separated from my siblings. I went from house to house alone. Every time silently pleading for them to like me while they stared me down. I was thirteen years old when the... accident happened. I'm sixteen now. I'm still in the system and I've been with Amanda for a couple months so far. She has a dead beat son and her husbands a lawyer. So for whatever reason they decided to take me in.

I don't know why I'm still here I honestly think they've grown to dislike me. Oh well nothing new I guess. I don't really have any friends. I had one but she just stabbed me in the back. She threw me under the bus for popularity.  I wish I could say I care but I can't. I've lost so many people it's like clock work.

I'm not going to lie I'm lonely. I wish I had someone who understood me, and wasn't shallow. The kind you read about in books and see in movies. The girl who always has your back no matter what. Is it selfish to want that?


I was a spoiled little girl. I was an only child and had my parents wrapped around my little finger. Well I thought I did anyways. Something changed one morning when I woke up and my mom wasn't there. I was six years old. I asked my dad where she had gone and his eyes lit up in realization. He yelled and screamed at me about how it was all my fault she left us. I didn't understand and I had never seen my father like this before. Little did I know after that day that's all I would see.

My father was always kind and gentle. He loved me and my mom with all that he had. He was funny and always knew how to cheer us up. The man that was before me that day wasn't my father. I remember I cried and I tried to run away. He grabbed me and told me I wouldn't get away like my mother had. He yelled and screamed about how it was all my fault.

That was the first time he hit me.

He slapped me across my right cheek. He finally let me go and I ran to my room and cried. The next day when I left my room I saw the note she left on the counter. I didn't know what it said, but I kept it. Later when I learned to read I figured out what it said.

I didn't understand what she meant until years later. She didn't want to be held down. She suddenly realized all of her summers would consist of is lathering sun screen on my skin, and watching me play. She wanted to travel the world and chase after her dreams.

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