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Sorry haven't been updating, schools been shit :(

I honestly melted. When I said to myself the other day why he didn't kiss me on the lips, I honestly wasn't expecting this soon.

I pulled away from the kiss. My cheeks were on fire. Like, legit on FIRE. Jungkooks cheeks seemed to redden as well.

I didn't know what to do so I open my front door and left him on my door steps. I locked my door and kept hitting my head thousands of times.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit."

I'm going crazy! I peeked out my window to see if he was still there and he WAS. He was knocking on my door. Not like banging but casually knocking on my door ya know.

I decided, I'm not gonna open it. It would be fucking awkward and plus, HE DOESNT LIKE ME :(

1234567890: heyyyyyyyy

1234567890: Kookie

1234567890: KOOKIE

1234567890: WHERE YA AT?

MrKook: I'm busy okay? Leave me alone!

1234567890: busy trying to ge through Fei's door? Very busy I see.

Jungkook looked up from his phone and looked around to see if he could find anyone stalking him. But he couldn't.

MrKook: how'd you know?


Jungkook thought long and hard. He felt super creeped out. Since it was getting late and Fei wasn't opening the door he turned around and was just about to leave.

"Jungkook wait!"

Jungkook turned around and before he could get anything out of his mouth, his lips were sealed with another persons lips.

It was Fei's


Sorry for a super short chapter! Again schools been shit :/ but don't worry ;) I'll be posting more and I'm coming out with a Yandere collection ;) first will be Kim Taehyung hunty ;) watch out for that :P

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