22 special!

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I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I applied a face mask on because I felt really relaxed and why not?

I plopped onto my bed staring at the ceiling fan. I was thinking about how life was just so short. Senior year is almost over and well, my group of friends are all slowly leaving me.

Of course my beautiful boyfriend is still with me. I was thinking about him today too. I checked my phone and decided to give him a call.

"Yes my love?" His voice sounded busy. I sighed.

"Sorry for bothering you babe, I just wanted to hear your voice." I layed in my side and started playing with the tie on my bear.

Jungkook was on a short vacation with his family. He hasn't been calling lately so he must be busy. I'm sure he's pretty tired at night if he's not calling back.

"Sorry for not calling babe." I sighed and looked at my nails.

"It's okay, I get your busy." I rolled over onto my back. I was staring at the ceiling again.

"So how's it going over there?" I smiled at myself. I love him so much.

"It's boring over here without you." I pouted but I knew he couldn't see it. He would've pinched my cheek.

"Are you pouting?" I giggled at myself. He knows me so much. That's why I love him.

"Aigoo you're so predictable." I laughed and grabbed the bear I was fidgeting with and hugged it.

"How's your-"
"Sorry babe I gotta go, I'll call you soon okay? Love you."

Before I could say anything else he ended the phone. Of course he's busy spending time with his family. I need to stop being selfish and let him enjoy his time.

I stared at my home screen until I finally scrolled through social media. I got a sudden text message from someone.

I clicked on it and saw it's from a random cell number.

-guess who

Do you wish to send this to junk mail?

Who's this-

-your worst nightmare

I then got a sudden call. I picked up.


"Hey babe, miss me?"

You gasped. You couldn't believe who was calling you right now at the moment. You quickly sat up.

"Kim Taehyung?"

Oops, guess who spilled the tea 🍵

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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