Chapter Twelve

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I sighed, staring at my halfway bandaged leg. 

My necklace.. it was still missing. For sure, it really has been stolen. The same thought couldn't help but ring in my mind: Why would Von blame Hoseok for doing it? Did she see him? 

Other than that, I didn't trust her enough to believe her. Shaking the thought out off my head, I continued to wrap the gauze around my leg, enough so it would be of support and more comfortable. Once I was done, I sat there for a while. 

I didn't want to go down. Sure, eating dinner was fine, but with my Father? I've always been trying to avoid him. Conversations with him felt like I was talking to a stranger. 

But I had to. 

He trusted Jiyong. But to forge more of their trust, he has to expect the same from me. 

My hands unconsciously finds its way to my loose hair. It isn't too long, and I wouldn't necessarily say I disliked it.. it was pretty. To waste even more time, I started to braid my hair. 

"Geoul," Jiyong's voice called from the other side of the door, after knocking. I almost forgot about him waiting there for a few good minutes now. "Your father is waiting. You know what happens if you test his patience." 

I rolled my eyes, suddenly becoming hassled with braiding my hair. Once I was done, I grabbed my crutches laying on my bed and slowly stood up, "Coming." 

I pulled the door open, Jiyong smiling small at me, "Don't.. speak too brutally now, eh?" 

I stared at him for a while, before shrugging. "Let's see." 

Once I was down, Jiyong started to talk, "You got gifts." 

"What?" I scoffed. 

"From the guests in the business party," he pointed out. "Plenty, actually. Clothes.. bags.. it'd be a shame to put them to waste." 

"Then don't," I replied, slowly limping towards the dining room. "I don't want to individually open them.. really, just put them in my room." 

"All right." he nods. We turned to a certain route, before reaching the dining room. My eyes landed on the large dining table, my father sitting at the other side. 

Jiyong assisted me on sitting down, before placing my crutches beside me. 

"It's been quite a while since I last had dinner with you, Geoul." he says, sipping his wine. I pursed my lips, not bothering to look up at him as I started to eat. 

The place was quiet - I could tell everyone felt the tension. 

"So.. aren't you going to catch me up with whatever you're up to?" he questions, cocking an eyebrow. I scoffed, but didn't answer. 

"Geoul," he started. "You know I do not appreciate being ignored." 

"Why would you be interested?" I scowled. "Nothing's happening." 

"Oh, really?" he turns his head to Jiyong, who shrugs. 

"I can agree to that." 

"Well then.." he trailed off, gently placing his cup down. "Did you see the guests' gifts for you?" 

"I haven't," I answered. "But I heard there's quite plenty.." 


"Let them go to waste. Got it." I clicked my tongue, and he flashed me an unamused look for cutting him off. 

"Your mother's necklace.. is it still with you?" it was quite frustrating hearing him ask about it. His house, his rules - that's what it seemed like, ironic how he breaks his own rules. 

"As far as I know," I say, tapping my fingers on the wooden table. "We aren't allowed to speak of mother under this roof." 

"Geoul." his voice was much more stern. 

"Yes." I replied, annoyance present in my voice. 

Being inside this house didn't make me feel any better. Whenever I was outside, I would start to feel okay.. but when I go back to this house, maybe it was the atmosphere, or something else, but.. 

The pain would come back again. 

The presence of feeling like I'm nothing. 

I start to remember the pain I once felt. The pain I've actually still been bearing all this time.. when will it go away? Whenever I feel like it's gone, it really isn't.. it makes me feel so idiotic. 

"How's her leg?" he asks Jiyong, noticing that I didn't want to talk to him any longer. 

"It's healing well," Jiyong smiled. "Expectantly next month, she can walk again." 

I'd want to at least walk normally again.. 

"I've been thinking about this for a while," Father started again. And even though I usually wouldn't of have listened, there was something that made me do. 

"About what?" 

"About you coming to America with me." he sighs. "You don't have much to do here, no? The main course of the company is in America, and you might as well know your ways with how to deal with negotiating." 

"No way." I declined. 

"Yes way," he shot back. "Jiyong's gonna have to stay here to watch over the house and the minor company's wellbeing. It's for your own sake." 

"You know that I know how to handle the company." I said. Though he was right - I couldn't just let go of our company.. it was incredibly important, but it didn't make me happy.. and Jiyong? 

"But that's not the only thing I should and care about." I say slowly. "At least give me more time." 

It was quiet for a while, but I eventually found him nodding, "Hmm.. All right, if that's the condition you want." 

He stood up, seemingly finished with his supper, "I'll give you a year or so, how about that?" 

I shrugged, "Let's see." 

"And you really are familiar with negotiating.. goodnight." expectantly, he walked out of the door right after his sentence. When he did, I found myself clenching my fists. 

"Ha," I scoffed, grabbing my crutches and slowly standing up. "Can you believe him, Jiyong?"

"I'm surprised you actually came to an agreement," he said, helping me stand up. "But you know, it's an agreement that benefits for the both of you." 

I scowled, "How can he even say that? I won't go to America if you don't come." 

He sighed, "You have to, Geoul."

"I won't." I say, my voice more stern. "That's it." 

He ignored my words, "So.. do you have any plans tomorrow? I'm gonna have to inform your father." 

In my pocket, my phone buzzed. And instinctively, I pulled it out. 

"I guess I do have plans." I utter, reading the message as reaching the door to my room. "But at all costs, Jiyong.." 

"Don't tell father." 


A/N: I guess you can tell how much she despises her father.. 

Who do you think texted her? Do you think she will really go to America? After all, I'm not really fond of happy endings.. 

I'm so upset that there are certain members whose stories don't get much views.. maknae line isn't a problem.. but I don't care as well cause I'm soo going to write for every member XD 

#EVILCLAIRE strikes again 

Haha, no, don't worry! 

Actually, yes, do worry! 

I'm missing drama, so let me bring it! 

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