chapter 2

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Okay I'm changing the story like just a tad bit, Alaska and Matt are not 'enemies' as such..I will soon change the title if it lets me but right now I can't change the title. I'm planning on changing it to 'Start All Over' or something idek..Anyway here's chapter 2 (: 

He bagan to speak ''Oh, hey Alaska..''

I avoided his eyes and looked down at the ground and muttered a ''hey''. In that moment I couldn't of felt more awkward. I shifted unconfortably from one foot to the other and pretending to take interest in the chipped nail polish that I've forgotten to take off my nails. My mom and his made small talk about Ms. Espinosa's business trip as Matthew and I stood in silence with our mothers blabbing on about working in California. I started to think about the first time me and Matthew met. We were only 4 years old.


''Alaska, this is Ms. Espinosa's son, Matthew. He's your age sweety'' my mom said while bending down to my level. 

Matthew peeped out from behind his mom and smiled shyly. I waved at him with a smile on my face. I ran over to him and grabbed his arm lightly. ''C'mon Matthew, i gots some fun toys outside to play wiff'' I said with a toothy smile. He happily came along with me and we played outside for hours and talked about our favourite tv shows. 

When we went inside we watched his favourite show ''The Rugrats'' and ate sour patch kids while giggling along to the show. 

I half smiled to myself thinking about how we became friends. We really thought we'd be friends forever. 

I couldn't stand the awkwardness for any longer so I spoke up and told my mother that Aaron wanted to see me after school. And so I left quickly before she could reply and made my way down the road to Aarons house which was a few houses down from mine. 

I reached his house and let myself in as I do everyday because his family is like a second family to me. I even call his mother 'mom'. I walked into the house and sat down on the sofa beside Dustyn. ''Hey Dust!'' I greeted him with a smile as he flicked through the channels on the tv and stopping on the music channels. ''Yooo 'Laska!'' he said while ruffling my hair. ''Is Aaron around?'' I asked. ''Yeah he should be in his room'' he replied absentmindedly. ''Righto!'' I said jumping off the couch and making my way up the stairs to Aarons room. 

I walked in and he was laying on his bed scrolling on his phone. I lay down beside him and proped myself up with one arm and faced him. He looked at me and smiled. ''Aaron, We gots a problem'' I said putting on a southern accent. ''Oh darn, whut may that be?'' he said with the same accent. I looked at him seriously and sighed. ''Matthew Espinosa is spending a whole month in my house and I don't know what to do. Like obviously I still miss him, he was my bestfriend but I can't help but feel hurt at the same time beause he probably couldn't care less about me anymore..'' I said all in one breath. Aaron nodded understandingly and had an expression on his face that let me know he was thinking. After a moment he replied with ''You know, you should just see what happens, maybe you two could be friends again, maybe not, don't let it stress you out too much, what ever happens happens''. I got up and hugged him. He always knows the right things to say.

My phone beeped and I checked it. It was my mom telling me that dinner was ready. I quickly thanked Aaron and hugged him one last time before I left.

I walked into the kitchen when I got back from Aarons and saw mom and Matt already sitting at the table talking like old friends. My chest became heavy as I remembered our families being this close before. He used to come stay at my house twice a week, maybe more. Before he left me, we were insepreable. Our mothers always joked about how we would one day get married. I sadly laughed to myself at that last though while grabbing my plate and sitting down at the table. My choice was to either sit beside Matthew or across from him, so I decided to sit across from him. We made awkward eye contact as I sat down. I quickly looked away and began to eat as him and my mother continued talking about school. I zoned out of the conversation but was quickly snapped out of it when my mother asked me a question. ''W-what?'' I replied while clearing my throat. ''I asked if you had a good day?'' My mom stated. ''Oh, yeah I guess so. Same old boring shit that happens everyday. This guy Taylor in my class got suspended for running around the hallways screaming 'Pubic Hair' and 'cock' so that was the highlight of my day'' I replied while still looking down at my food. That really was the highlight of my day. Taylor is crazy, he had everyone crying with laughter. 

After eating dinner it was my turn to wash the dishes. I started to clean the plates when Matthew picked up the washed dishes and started to dry them casually. I looked at him with wide eyes and he just turned to me and smiled and continued drying the dishes. My heart stopped when he smiled. I used to have a major crush on him when we were bestfriends and he's still gorgeous. 

'No Alaska. what are you thinking? He left you! Stop and go back to hating him again' I said to myself while sighing. 

''So, how're you?'' Matthew said. I froze. What is he doing. I looked at him but he was focused on the dishes. ''Uh, fine..You?'' I said almost questioningly. ''I'm good thanks..So any plans for the summer?'' he asked. Why is he asking me questions? i thought. ''Just gonna chill with Aaron'' I replied quickly not wanting to continue talking to him. ''Alaska, I-'' I cut him off. ''Why are you suddenly trying to talk to me Matthew?! Last i heard you wanted nothing to do with me! You left me once we went to different schools, do you know how hard that was?! Losing you? I was just after losing my father and then losing you was just what I needed! More heart break and misery!'' I half shouted at him. He just looked at me in shock. with an expression that I couldn't read on his face.

I began to remember when I lost him. 

*flash Back*

I got home from school and grabbed my phone and texted Matt. ''Hey Matty! Wanna hang out today?'' I quickly pressed send and began to change my outfit. ''I can't , I already promised some guys from school that i'd go get pizza with them..'' He quickly replied. My face dropped. Ever since we first started highschool he hasn't hung out with me at all. It's been a month since the start of school. 

Weeks turned into months and still no Matthew. His presence started to fade and eventually all I was left with was the memories we shared. 

I cried myself to sleep every night because I felt so alone without Matthew. Yeah, I had Aaron but it wasn't the same. 

Months turned to years as I'm left with out the guy I once called my Bestfriend. The sadness eventually faded but I was always left with it in the back of my mind. 

*flashback over*  

I heard someone repeat my name over and over again as I opened my eyes to a blurry sight. I felt two arms wrapped around me and Matthew repeating my name. I quickly pushed him away as I realised that i was standing there crying and he was hugging me. This was all too much.

I ran straight up stairs and sat on my bed. 

''This is gonna be a long month'' I thought to myself. 

* * * * 

Okay so that was chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to make it as long as I could. 

The next chapter is gonna be..eventful to say the least. 

follow me on twitter @mattespinoscunt 

and instagram @zayumyounashty

tysm for reading <3

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