Jungkook- imaginary friend

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Y/n's POV

He was 4 years old that day, the day I appeared in his life and made him look like a creepy person and distance himself from everyone just for me. It was jungkook's birthday and they held a huge party at night but he was bored so he made a friend but it's a imaginary friend.

"Hi jungkook! My name is Y/n, are you bored too? Wanna play?" I asked sitting beside him. "Yes of course, you're very pretty and your dress too" he said "thank you, let's go play" I dragged him. My dress was a light pink dress with a short sleeves and it had a 'J' on it. We went out to the garden and played with the leaves that was starting to fall since it's almost autumn. We played for hours until jungkook's Mom called for him.

"Jungkook? Jungkook! Where are you?" His Mom shouted. "I'm here Mom" jungkook replied and his mom came to us. "What are you doing here alone? It's dangerous" his mom said "I am not alone, Y/n's here" he said pointing in my direction and I looked to his mom and I smiled to her. "What are you talking about? Nobody is there" his mom said "But here she is" jungkook said still pointing at me. "You must be imagining stuff, let's sleep" his mom said "goodnight jungkook" I shouted smiling, jungkook looked at me and smiled but before he could say anything, his mom dragged him away.

After a few years he was still with me but he never has friends in school. His parents always hate me because they think that I was the cause of him being alone with no friends but jungkook will always reply them with "it's fine if I don't have a school friend because I have Y/n which is my best friend and she is very cute" as he say this he will hold my hand and stroke it gently with his thumb.

When he was 15, he started to distance himself with me and he never defends me anymore, he started to have friends and he even has a group of friends that he always hangout with and he one day stopped talking to me.

After a day since he starts to ignore me his things were packed in boxes like he was going to move and I was there sitting in his bed Infront of him and seeing him packing. He is now good looking and mature and more outgoing while I still use the same shirt, my hair is longer now but not very long, and I am still a little kid like how he made me the day we met. There was silence all over the room and I broke it .

"Jungkook, where are you going?why are you packing your things? Why are you ignoring me?" I ask him questions. He sighed before answering me "Y/n, I am 15 now and I have friends, no I mean real friends and I'll be living with them since I am now a trainee of becoming an idol and I don't think up that I will need you anymore, you've made me happy but I think I should stop this friendship with you, I am sorry and goodbye, let's not ever talk anymore" he said before leaving taking his bags and boxes.

"No no no no" I sobbed. I cried loudly like the little child I am and fell from bed and bled my knee. "Why am I not a human?" I asked myself "I should find someone who can make me to a human" I thought to myself. I went to a wizard-like place and saw him then I talked to him. "Excuse me sir, can you make me to a Human?" I asked and he looked at me "what are doing her child?" He asked "I wanna become a human and be with my best friend" I said "your best friend is a human and you're his imaginary friend am I right?" He asked and I nodded looking down sadly. "There are some conditions if you become a human" he said "what is it" I asked curiously "in the human world, you'll be poor until you make your own money but I'll give you a set of clothes to wear and your body will be a 20 years old girl" he explained "20? Then I will come back in 5 years and I'll do the deal" I said and he smiled "okay I'll be waiting for you in 5 years" he said and I left.

After these 5 years I went back to the place and in that 5 years I watch him grew and becoming and idol and his group name is BTS, I am an ARMY which is their fandom name. Anyway I went back to the place that I would make a deal. "Hi sir, I am back" I said "you're still the same but only more matured mind" he smiled "thank you" I said "let's start the ritual then, do you still remember the conditions?" He asked and I nodded "Can I pick out the clothes?" I asked "of course" He chuckled "I want a black cozy hoodie with a jeans" I said "okay let's start the ritual" he said

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