Chapter 2: The Beach

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Saturday morning marked the chilling scare that might haunt Bart Trent for an eternity. For Bart it was losing his best friend but for some unknown breachers it was Bart's last day on earth.

Bart had cool hair, he knew it, they all had cool blonde hair well except for the odd step dad that Bart wasn't still ready to accept. Bart was good looking, if you knew the guy, you'd understand.
But though his good looks couldn't still get him a girl into senior year in Junior High School. Well a shy record wouldn't get him anywhere of course and plus he is powerless like really powerless. No talents, zero tolerance for punches.

Bart had gotten ready and was now eating breakfast with the family.

“Hey slugger, you surfing at the beach today?” Step dad Xisco asked. Though their last name was McCoy before their dad left their mom but now they share Xisco's last name. Xisco, funny that he's an half cast. He's mother was Japanese and his dad Mexican.

“My name's Bart, I don't know who the hell is Slugger and yes am surfing, I mean if am not why would my surfboard be resting on the wall over there by the Television you threw yourself into yesterday trying to waltz and funny thing is you can't even salsa.” Bart fussed at Xisco.

“Look your dad said he'd been y another TV today. Okay? No need to fuss over it.” Caitlin Trent formerly Monroe before McCoy try to hold the house from falling apart since her youngest son and her newly married husband couldn't get along. Cassie though had no problem with Trent since he got the pink beast in their garage for her sweet 16 year old birthday almost a year ago.

“Yeah listen to your mom.” Trent frowned shaking his head.

“Don't tell me what to do.” Bart stabbed the chicken in his plate almost cracking the plate.
He turned to his mum still clenching his fork. “He's not my dad. Am not fussing about it. Am telling him that that was my dad's TV.”

Bart left the dining. He went over and wore his beanie. Put on his jacket and wore his backpack.
He held the surfboard under his armpit which was rather heavy.

“Want me to drive you there?” Cassie asked.

“Nah am fine. I'll take the bus.” Bart breathed in the fresh summer air as he opened the front door.

“Are you sure buddy? Cuz that surfboard looks heavy.” Mrs Trent asked.

“Am fine mom. I'll be back before lunch.” Bart jammed the door behind him and ran down the stairs into the friendly atmosphere of neighbours and joggers alike.

“Hi Bart.” Sophie jogged past him.
“Hey Sophie how you doing?” Bart ran after her.

Sophie was his only friend except from Harry coz she lives next door and they are about the same age, 14.

“Where you going with that surfboard?” She asked slowing down her speed.
She jogged every Saturday morning to keep fit and she was fit. She wore a blue bra top that revealed her belly button and jogging shorts. She had that smile that kept her sweaty tired body in check.

“The beach.” Bart said also jogging to keep up the pace.

She was breathing heavily and she was wiping off wrinkly sweat pores off her face. Her top was dark blue rather than its light touch. “The beach?”

“Yeah, with a friend.” Bart heaved as his legs weren't enjoying the pain that came with jogging and carrying a heavy surfboard.

“Dressed like that? I thought surfers were supposed to wear swimsuits.” Sophie waved at the granny that always sat in her rocking chair out front of her house.

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