Chapter 1

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"Shit, shit, shit" She cursed under her breath as

she ran as fast as she could while being chased by a shitty cop. She tried to make slow breathes so she doesn't waste her breathing while running. She hissed as she saw the police guy catching up, 

"Get back here!" He yelled at her, She smirked and turned around. 

"Is No an answer?!" She yelled back, "Wait, yeah it is!" She chuckled, she took a sharp right turn and swiftly jumped up in the air and hopped on top a high metal fence and going on the other side. She chuckled as she watched as the police grabbed the fence the fence and shook it while growling, she panted for air 

"I will catch you!" He yelled, "Not anytime soon, toodles cop!" She waved her fingers up in the air while turning left as she walked, disappearing from the police. She sighed and brought her back on the brick wall sliding down a bit. she suddenly hisses as she felt growing pain on her wrist, she brought it up to her face, red liquid dripping down her hand as a deep wound was scraped on her hand. It was because of the fence, she sighed and looked around but saw nothing to help the bleeding hand of hers.  

"Mom is so going to kill me" she smiled, she closed her eyes her heart going to back to its normal beating and her breath was now stable. 

suddenly her brows furrowed, a ray of light shined at her eyes. she opened her eyes and looked around for the light. it was from under the trash can, somehow that intrigued her and she bent under the trash and put her hand under. 

as she moved her hand around she suddenly grasped on rectangular and flat. she pulled it out and she looked at it, it was a card. 

bigger than a normal one but smaller than a big one. but what made the card weirder was the picture it had on it. 

on the back of it was a picture of tons of green trees with one light yellow tree in the middle, flowers were on all four corners of the card and little higher of the trees was the shape of almost like thors mask. And on top of that was a golden straight line, shining in the moonlight. and on the front of the card was a beautiful pattern of lines. 

she glared at the blood that was suddenly dripping on the card, 

"fuck" She whispered, 

"wait why would I care? It's not like I'm bringing the card with me" she chuckled, she threw the card somewhere behind her and she started walking home,

not seeing as the card shined brightly. 

As she walked in the backyard of her house she climbed on the vines that grew over time from her bedroom to the floor. she slowly opened her window and carried herself inside, it was dark so she knew that her mom did come by and she was relieved. but that relief became into horror when the lights turned on by the person who was standing in front of her bedroom door, 

she cursed under her breath while cracking her knuckles in nervousness. 

"What did you do to come back so late?" Her mom asked tapping the top of her slippers on Sora's wooden floor. 

"what are you talking about it's only 9" She whispered, 

"It's 2 in the morning, where did you get 9 from?!" Her mom growled. She cowered down a bit, she couldn't say that she wasn't scared of her mom because she is and it's not going to change anytime soon, if she is in a bad mood that is. 

how did 9 pm become 2 am? she sighed in defeat at that, "I was painting where Dad told me I could secretly do, but suddenly a police started chasing me so we were going through that for who knows how long but we did, and I finally lost track of him... sort of. and then I was just resting for a bit. and quickly ran walked home" She explained. 

her mother gasped, "a police chased you?!" She yelled. "Don't worry, It's not like I got hurt or anything" She whispered, slowly hiding her bleeding hand that her mom luckily didn't look at. 

She heard her mom sigh but she glared at her again, "We will talk about this in the morning, for now just go to bed" She whispered. 

Sora quickly nodded and ran and hugged her mom trying as hard as she could not get any blood on her mom's shirt or anything. 

"Okay mom, night. love you" She muttered in her mom's ear, her mom made a quirk of her lips and told her good night as well before going to her own bedroom, Sora quickly closed the door and slid down, combing her messy hair with her fingers and groaned. 

"I regret my decisions of going outside" 

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