Chapter 3

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Sora's eyes widen, when did the guy get here? who was this guy?! all she knew is that she kissed the card by accident, it shines brightly and suddenly a guy caught her from slapping her face on the dirty floor.

"let's get out of here!" One of them yelled, "We can't! we need that card!" Another yelled back.

"She's ranked 5 stars, do you think you can beat that with 3 stars?" One of them scoffed, He hissed and glared at her while retreating back, soon disappearing from her vision.

She got up standing on her two feet then looking straight at the guy who caught her a second ago. Suddenly the guy bowed down in front of her, she froze, by the way, he said hello?

"Ma'am I am your protector, my power is earth." He told her,


The fuck?

"Okay hold on, my what? and power? earth? holy shit" She chuckled, she crossed her arm over her chest. "This must be some joke, how did you suddenly catch me when you were never next to me? I don't even know you!" She yelled now flailing her hands in the air in annoyance.

"Ma'am, you kissed my card" He whispered nonchalantly with a hint of annoyance as well, "Boy, you don't kiss a card and suddenly a person shows up" She rolled her eyes.

"and stop calling me ma'am I have a name you know, also whats yours? and before that stand up you're going to hurt your back bowing like that" She tilted her head to the side.

When he was told to stand up straight he did just to look at his master, who had pretty features. Dark brown light curled hair, brown with a hint of green eyes and pink plump luscious lips.

"ma'am you can call me whatever you like, I will be thankful for any name you give me" he explained.

"You have your own name, you're a human being so you must have a name that you have that is stuck with you forever. No-one should give you a name, and no you're not going to be thankful when someone calls you something like fluffy" She snickered,

for a moment he was surprised, a master who wanted him to tell what his name was,

"But ma'am, It's just a name" He whispered.


"exactly! if it's just a name then you should tell me what yours is. It's that easy and stops calling me Ma'am my name is sora" She chuckled.

He tried not to make an expression, but something about this master of his made him scrunch his eyebrows together. and something inside of him that wanted him to smile at her,


smiling was something he didn't do for a while now.

he had to think for a while minute to see what he should do, tell her his name or keep asking her to give him a name.

His name was something he hasn't heard someone say for a while and maybe she could. He thought he forgot his name as well.

but like she said your name is something that is stuck like glue to you and it can't be changed.

"Kyungsoo" He whispered,



"Kyungsoo" his name rolled off her tongue which made him mentally shiver, It's been so long.

"That's such a nice name, it suits you" She smiled, He looked at her directly in the eye, was she faking this? was she lying so she could take advantage of him later on? but he saw none of that, all he saw was honesty and care. Also, something he hasn't seen in a while, "Okay kyungsoo" She started eyeing him up and down, who was wearing a fancy tuxedo black and white with matching shoes. "We need to buy your clothes, that is way too fancy for me" She gasped at the look.

"but before that, I need to buy food so would you like to come with me?" She smiled,

Is she giving him a choice? He never had to choose something before, it's weird.

He slowly nodded and her smile went wider, which made her look like some mentally ill sicko.

She noticed her movement, She grabbed onto his wrist which he tensed up at freezing from his spot. She finally saw what she did and her eyes enlarge, she started apologizing. Moreover, he was surprised why she was even apologizing in the first place, he was just a protector where people used for power. So why is this girl who could be the same as those bastards apologizing to him? Something about this girl made him think,

Just who is this girl?

As they were buying a shit ton of things, she would ask the guy from time to time what they should get or what he would like, but he would always say 'whatever you like' or 'it's not my place to give opinions'. She groaned

my lord this guy.

she finally whipped her face to eye they guy, who was taken back from the sudden transition

she looked at the guy soft eyes, his breath hitched into small pants, why? He doesn't know.


"Kyungsoo, everyone has decisions to make, we have opinions and we have answers. You should start to be like those, you have a mouth that can be able to say anything you want so why restrain it when you can just open your mouth and say anything? I don't know your past, and I'm not going to ask but I'm giving you choices, decisions, and to be able to make mistakes. I will never hurt, judge, or do anything to you so whatever you think I am I'm not like that. In this life freedom isn't a choice it's a gift and I will give you all that" She explained while smiling warmly at him,



he was awed at her words, She told him that he would have freedom, he would able to make decisions and he would be able to tell her his opinions if they were good or bad. She had given him something that he thought he would never have any more, She wasn't going to hurt him and she wasn't going to judge him. Was He finally be able to live?


Something about that made tears brimmed his eyes. She was a bit surprised he was going to cry but at least she knew that she made him comfortable with her maybe even it was a little.

better than nothing.

He abruptly tightly hugged her who then put his face on her shoulder as he cried silently and she gasped but quickly relaxed as she felt tears on her shoulder plus the warmth he was giving off.

"Will you hurt me if I hug you?" He choked,



"I don't know it depends, does this mean a peace treaty? Will you finally stop being a robot?" She giggled, He slowly nodded.

"then never" She smiled.

He had finally found someone he could love,

even if it was temporary. 

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