What a 'lovely' day

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(Trigger warning:Bullying,Blood and Violence)

I stared down blankly as the teacher wrote notes on the board,it had been a long weekend without really any sleep so now i was exhausted and I had a whole week of school to survive and I was barely into the first few hours of the first day.I looked around noticing one of my regular bullies staring at me.I tensed up at the cold,evil glare he was giving me,he must've noticed my tense becaise he gave me a small smirk and moved his hand up.He pointed at me,then at himself,then to the door,I took a deep breath,I knew if I wanted to avoid what was coming I would have to run out of that room like there was no tomorrow.And as I heard the bell ring signaling the next class I quickly grabbed my stuff and ran quickly,but,I still wasn't fast enough.As I turned to the hall I quickly and aggressivly got shoved against a locker,I quickly looked up with wide eyes,meeting my bullies dark brown eyes."Hey you wannabe emo!"He yelled at my face,I tensed with a whimper,"h-hello to you too rico...",he smirked a bit,"Ya know I couldn't help but notice,you keep tryin to run away from me,I think you need to be taught not to run~",he said and raised his fist and brought it right next to my face,"See you after school",he said with a smirk before walking off,leaving me to stand there with small whimpers and hugging myself,I quickly ran to my next class and made myself as invisible as possible.For the rest of the day I tried to plan an escape route so I wouldn't get caught again,by the time the final bell rang I had no plan,I would just have to run.And run I did,I bolted out of my classroom and moved faster than I had ever moved before.But of course,I wasnt fast enough,by the time I ran out the front door,Rico was standing outisde with a small gang of his friends just waiting for me,Rico grinning in the middle of them all.I took a small step back just to bump into one of Rico's other crew members,Rico stretched out a hand and gave a small signal that said'give me',the man quickly shoved me foreward into Rico's grasp,and almost immediately he moved his hand up and gripped my hair,"Lets take this somewhere more private shall we?Wouldn't want someone to find you quickly~",he said with an evil laugh,before dragging me off into a nearby alleyway by the school.He signaled his crew to go guard the entrance and as soon as we were alone he forced me against the wall and aggressivly punched me in the stomach,over and over,grinning as he did so.After a few more punches he let my body drop the the floor,as I made contact I coughed and I could feel a warm substance drip down from my mouth,I reached up to touch it and see what it was,my eyes widening when I realised it was blood.He let out a low laugh before swiftly kicking me in the face,knocking me down to the floor,I had no time to react before he placed his foot over my head and started pressing down hard on it,"What do we say when we want to be forgiven?Huh?",he asks with a chuckle,I tried to get some words out but the pressure on my head hurt so much,I started seeing small flashes of black before he slowly moved his foot and instead moved it to start kicking my gut aggressivly,causing me to cough up more blood,I tried to weakly reach his foot and get it to stop,but that didn't happen,instead he moved my hand down to the groub with foot and stepped on it,hard,I could feel something break before crying out loudly in pain,through my cries I heard him laugh,he gave me one last kick before running off,finding his crew and leaving with them,and leaving me there to suffer.I laid there crying and whimpering,occasionally coughing,sometimes with blood every now and then.I think I rember blacking out at somepoint,but I can't be sure.I don't know how long it was till I heard Alfred's and some other people's voices,when I looked up I could see Alfred with tears in his eyes as he carefully lifted my body off the ground whispering things like ,"Im sorry",or,"Mattie I was so worried",I knew he said some other things to but I couldn't tell what,I was to busy trying to stay awake,I felt my body laid down onto something like a bed before being moved into the back of an ambulance.There was a doctor in there observing my wrist and my head,he's asking me questions,but I can't really make them out,I look over at Alfred who managed to get a seat in the back,he was holding my non-broken hand whispering soft things to himself.Then slowly,my whole world went black.


//So thats alot longer than my usual chapters but I know I haven't updated in a while,I'm sorry!!I've been busy with school alot recently so I made a longer chapter to make up for it,I might acctually start making longer chapter than this bit I dunno,so Im just gonna go...ONE MORE THING!!!Thank you to the person who added this to their library,huge authors boost for me,take a virtual cookie 🍪
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