Chapter 9

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•Chapter 9•

The car ride back wasn't as awkward as I thought. In fact, he asked me about Andrea and her boyfriend.

"How long have they been dating? And how long has it been since you've seen her, because it seemed like it's been a while."

I looked at him for a moment and noticed he turned off the radio.

"Uhh, I haven't seen her in a month or two, which is how long she's been dating that kid. It's weird, we always talked about moving in after high school to enjoy life and then he came along and well... As you can tell, none of that ended up happening."

It was kind of quiet for a second and he finally spoke.

"Well we should take them up on the offer soon. How's tomorrow?"

I smiled and my face lit up for the first time since I was taken from all I ever knew.

"I would love that, thank you."

He smiled back and put the radio back on as we drove back to the small house. I got out of the car and my stomach grumbled so loud, China could've heard it. I still hadn't eaten.

"Someone sounds hungry, shall I get the little hostage some Chinese?"

His witty remark made me burst out in laughter, which in turn, made me hit the side of my hip against the stone wall. I was always so clumsy. Of course, instead of receiving help, Cam stood laughing with pleasure at my misfortune.

"Haha. So funny. Oh my God, so hilarious Cameron. Share your humor with me, please. Ha, HA" I replied sarcastically.

To my surprise, he picked me up laughing and took me inside the house and I was laughing along with him. Something felt different about him; there was a change in him. I wasn't sure what it was yet, but I liked it. I felt like I was home, like I had a friend. I felt like I was meant to be here, for whatever crazy reason that may be.. At this point in time, this journey in my life was meant for me and only me.

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