Chapter 23

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•Chapter 23•

**Cameron's Point of View cont.**

We reached the house after a bit and the girls were arguing on another movie.

"Okay you know what, we're watching Now You See Me and that's final" I stated. They stayed quiet for a moment before nodding and running over to grab the food from our hands.

"Nicole please be careful you should even be running!" I yelled. "Oh relax Cam I'm fine." Nicole replied grabbing the food out of my hand. They climbed back on the bed and the scent of Mexican food poured out into the room.

"Mmmm I love Mexican!" Andrea beamed. I could see how happy Nicole was having all of us here together sooo "Why don't you guys spend the night?" the words poured out of my mouth before I even got the chance to think if it was a good idea or not. All of them looked at me and smiled "THAT'S THE BEST IDEA YOU'VE HAD" they all screamed.

I was more than eager to see how the rest of the night went considering how quickly they all turned into the most amazing friends I've ever had.


Ahhhh I was so excited to have them sleep over I couldn't even believe my ears when Cameron asked! My best friend and her boyfriend are gonna spend the night with me and Cam! ... Wait... We have training in the morning!

"Cam can I talk to you?" I asked. "Yeah sure what's up?" "Umm can we talk alone for a sec?" I nearly whispered. He took me out to the living room and sat me down gently. "Cam.. We have training with your brother tomorrow morning.. What are we gonna do?!" I whispered slightly yelling.

Cam put his finger over my lips shushing me.

"Nicole it's fine, it's not suspicious unless you make it seem that way. We'll simply say he's our trainer from the gym and I will text my brother letting him know. Don't freak out." He smiled.

There was always something so soothing about the way Cam spoke that always made my troubles fade away. I caught myself staring at him and I looked away feeling my cheeks flush red. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to the room.

It was honestly a wonderful night. We watched movies, we all talked about everything and how we were all gone move in together one day. It was a wonderful idea... If I ever had the opportunity after this was over, if it ever was.

2am it was finally time to start heading to sleep from the long day we had. Andrea spent the night in my room with Nash cuddled and smiling the whole time.

I was so happy she's found someone who makes her feel infinitely special. Cam took me to his room and laid me there before kissing my head wishing me sweet dreams.

"Hey where are you going? This is your room Cam." I asked. "You need the bed more than I do Nicole it's fine there's the couch that's just as comfy." He replied.

I spent a few seconds thinking before I got up and walked over to him and pulled him to lay with me. "Can you stay please?" Cam looked at me and nodded with a smile. I curled up next to him and let the warmth from his skin lull me to sleep.



Sorry for being slightly inactive I just started dual enrollment and I have class twice a week from 6-10pm plus regular school and a lot of homework. Thankfully this weekend is a long one and I don't have too much to do so I will be updating at least twice every day until Tuesday and death starts again and I'll update as often as I can! No worries though because I like leaving you all with a little cliffhanger every now and then ;) This chapter and the last were a bit slow because I'm trying to lead up to a big even and I don't wanna end the story too short! Love you all thanks for the support and reads! Leave any comments here or on my tumblr and I'll answer anything!

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