My love is dead

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"Fuck You Jared!!" I screamed as hot tears streamed down my cheeks. "That's it that's what six years ment to you absolutely nothing!" I quickly went to our room grabbed my duffle bag and just filled with with what I could. He didn't even try to stop me he knew better. He didn't move from the couch just sat in silence. I couldn't even look at him I grabbed what I could of my shit and when out the door.

   I popped open the trunk and tossed in my belongings then climbed in the driver's seat. Pulling out my phone I dialed my friend Nichole ,just like always she picked up on the first ring.

Me: "hey you home?"

Nichole: "yeah.... Why what's going on? Why do you sound like your crying? You better answer me.Do I need to kick someone's ass??" She rambled on not giving me much of a chance to answer.

"I'll be there in ten tell you when I get there."

"K love you bye"

"Love you bye"

I lit my cigarette and scrolled through my music. "Perfect" I said to my self turning on evesdroppers "my love is dead". I know cliche right but fuck it it was fitting. I pulled out of the apartment complex and speed off toward Nicholes.

"Honey I'm home" I yelled obnoxiously as I walked through the door.  Before I knew it Nichole jumped off the couch and damn near tackled me. She pulled me into the living room I tossed my things to the side and seen she already had the bottle of red wine sitting out. This girl knew me so well it was almost scary.

"So spill what happened?"

"Same shit different day" I said taking a glass and filling it up. "He did it again! He started being short with me always seemed to have a attitude for no reason. Then dumb ass left his phone sitting and a message came through from Beth"

"Ew that ugly bitch we can't stand? Isn't she married?"

"Yep that's the one. Most of the conversation was deleted but there was enough for me to know what was going on and the fact she was asking when I wouldn't be home was a give away"

"Oh shit well that settles it your staying here from now on we will get your shit from his place soon."

Nichole and I talked about anything and everything dancing around the apartment like idiots for a while passing the time. Before we knew it we were on the the second bottle of wine.I was actually  starting to feel better already even though part of it was the wine but it was mainly because I didn't have to worry anymore.

A few hours had past and the two bottles were now empty on the table and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. Me and Nichole decided to go lay down thankfully she had a king size bed because her guest room was filled with junk and if I slept in there I might never be found again. She scrolled through her phone as I tried to find something to watch.

" OMG fuck yes!" Nichole yelled causing me to jump.

"What the hell? Dude I was almost asleep what is wrong with you?" I said as I threw a pillow at her.

"We're going on a road trip tomorrow Cky is playing in PA"

"That like 9 hours away"

"I know so get your ass to sleep we have an early morning"

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