Familiar Realm

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"Rise and shine princess Andi" I heard in a overly happy and some how non hungover voice.

"How are you so happy this early??"

"Girl I have been up for an hour and already one coffee in.  I got you one too now get your ass up we need to get moving." Nichole said as she ripped the blanket off of me.i growled and buried my face in the bed as the cool air covered my body then forced myself up.

Seriously Nichole was the best friend you could ever have. I walked into the living room she had my coffee, a bagel with cream cheese, Tylenol on the table and already had Our over night bags packed. God I loved this women!
I threw on a black tank top, Jeans my cky zip up and my pink converse. I put hair up in a messy bun and we head out the door. Nichole decided it would be good for everyone's safety if she drove. I wasn't even going to complain that just means nap time for me which I was totally fine with.

I had dosed off and had slept a good three hours before I was awoken to the very loud singing of Nicole.
"It's about time your lazy ass woke back up I was starting to get bored."
"You let me have to much wine last night it's your fault. You know it's makes me sleepy" I said sticking my  tongue out at her. "and what are we listening to  do you know concert protocol? You gotta jam to the playlist of the bad your going to see. Have I taught you nothing?"
I grabbed my phone plugged it in and started my playlist filled with songs from CKY, HIM, fuckface unstoppable, CiG, bloodhound gang and evesdroppers. First song to play was empty vessel one of my favorites.

"Who is this?"
"All the times you have been to my house how have you not heard this?  It's bam Margeras band duh."
"Well shit I didn't know he could sing . Ha I remember you had the hots for him so bad back in the day"
"Had I still do he will for ever and always be my dream man." "Nerd" Nicole yelled as I smacked her arm.

We spent the rest of the car ride listen to my playlist and talking about everything. We even got so board we played the license plate game which didn't last long. The most entertaining part was making faces at people driving by. Alot of them didn't find it amusing but we thought it was fucking hilarious.

Once we finally made into PA we decided to stop at a wawa and grab pack of smokes and something to drink. Once we entered the hotel we quickly got our selfs ready. Nichole had the brilliant idea of giving me a makeover. I was fairly reluctant she liked to show off a little more skin than I liked to but after a little compromise I was feeling pretty damn hot.

"Shit it's like 20 minutes till show starts we gotta book it" the venue was only a block away so we decided to walk rather then look for parking. There was a sea of people slowly filling in. We bobbed and weaved our way to the ticket sales booth only to see a sold out sign. This was just my luck come all this way get all done up to miss the damn show. Why did I think this was even going to happen my life had always been one big shit show. We hung out off to the side  for a bit sitting up against the building in totally defeat.


* So this is my first fanfic sorry I know it has a bit of a slow start but it's getting there. If you have any pointers please feel free to leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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