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Normal lettering - Maggie

Bold - Olive

Italics - Biscuit


Olive, calm down it's not that big of a-

Shut up, you ugly monster! Olive can say whatever she wants! 

These cats are killing me. Alright, let's begin! 

Our first dare, from HollyKatt, is: "I dare everybody to write their own Warriors fanfic!" She wants to see if it turns out like Pepper's!

Just like Pepper, we've all done research on this mysterious "Warriors" thing we hear users speak of. It's all a bit confusing, but I think we've got the central idea.

I shall begin.

Maggie's Warriors Fanfiction:

Once upon a lovely morning, the cats of WindClan were waking to begin their morning patrols. The sun was rising above the horizon, casting blazing rays of orange light over their territory. The yellow-green grass was waving in the wind and the cats were yawning away their sleep.

Seemingly, it was a typical morning. 

However, there was one little old kitty, who thought something was wrong. "There's something in the air," she cried that morning. "You shouldn't go out today!"

The leader, Lovelystar, whose name used to be Lovelyheart, calmly put her paw against the poor old cat's head, licked her nose and wagged her tail, and said, "Oh, dear kitten, don't worry. We younger kitties know what we are doing."

Then, Lovelyheart barked to her companions and they followed to begin the patrol. They all scrambled out of the camp. 

But did they really know what they were doing? Even though they were younger and more fit than the old elder, did they really have more talent than the poor old kitty? Or were they just stubborn and stuck up?

Sure enough, as the patrol got out of camp, one of the apprentices woofed, "Do you smell something?"

Another cat barked in agreement. "Yes! Something funny?" 

They had no more time to say anything other than that because suddenly, a human, ah, no, Twoleg, scooped them all up and brought them all home to be kittypets.


See, dear humans, the moral of this lovely story? It's to listen to your elders. We older pets are more intelligent, more experienced, and know more than any of you silly youngsters do. 

Remember when I told Storm not to sleep in the engine of the human's car?


Who's Storm again?

Oh, well, I guess that was a bit cruel to bring up. But do we understand the moral here?

You evil, cruel, hypocritical DOG! Just, shut up! It wasn't Storm's fault! It's my turn to tell a story!

Now this, my humans, is a real story. It tells a tale of love, loss, and family. Unlike that horror of a story told before.

Olive's Fanfiction: 

"You can't love him," Nightbranch whimpered to her sister. "You can't. Do you have any idea what trouble you'll be in?"

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