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Normal lettering - Maggie

Bold - Olive

Italics - Biscuit

Hello! It appears I have my first question...I hope I answer it okay...

It's from, um, let's see, WarriorsSwishy. What a nice human! Thanks for the question! She asks:

"olive, how did you get your name?"

Oh! Well, see, that's quite the interesting story. Well, at least, I think it's interesting. I hope it's interesting.

Okay.'s the story. Um, after Pepper died, and I was found on the side of the road, Olivia thought it was just fate. I don't know about that, but anyway, she and her family had a lot of conflict over my name.

Olivia's mom wanted to name me Tootsie Roll. I don't know why, though. I guess since it was a food. She also wanted Cupid, since I guess I looked sweet. Her last suggestion was Homie. Because I was as bedraggled as a homeless person when I was found. Ew. 

Olivia's sister suggested Stars since I had a few white hairs on my black fur that resembled stars in a night sky. She also liked Shadow and Midnight.

Olivia's neighbors had come over that afternoon and since they were a fan of Disney movies, suggested Moana and Hey-Hey. I didn't like those names very much.

And, of course, Olivia's brother (what an odd human) insisted on calling me John Cena. I'm a she-cat, thank you very much. He still calls me that to this day. This is why I don't let him pet me. 

After a while, it seemed like everyone had decided on Tootsie Roll. I didn't really like that name, though. People tried calling me with it and I just didn't like it, so I never answered. 

Finally, Olivia thought of the name Olive. It was perfect. It kind of matched her name, for starters. My fur is also black, like black olives. It also fit the food theme, with all of Olivia's family's previous cats, Cookie, Oreo, Pepper, etc. 

And I've been called Olive to this day. But I have plenty of nicknames as well, given to me by Olivia. Like, Ollie, Ollie-bear, Bear, Cutie, Angel, Ol, Miss Ol, Miss Bear, Princess Ol, Panther, the list goes on!

Anyways, thanks for the question!! MOL TO YOU ALL!!

(Also, comment MOL to get a shoutout!!)

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