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Kenzie's POV
I was now in front of my closet in my underwear, trying to choose a dress to wear, I sighed in frustration as I am confused on what to wear, then somebody decides to make things worse,"babe are you alright,you seem stressed out".

"Of course I am stressed out, I can't find what to wear".

"You don't have to wear anything, I like you better this way.

"Shut up D, don't you have a soccer game to get to?"

"I'd rather watch you, the view is to die for".

I groaned "do you have to have a comeback for everything?"

"Yes I do", he replied smirking. Ugh I knew no had to ignore him because if I keep talking to him I won't get anywhere, but even without talking, I am still so distracted because man he's shirtless, just as I was about to go crazy, I heard my phone, I hurried and took it out of my trousers pocket, then I looked at the message.

K for Kenzi V for Vannessa

V-where r u, it's been past an hour

K-I can't tell u he agitated I am rite now, I can't find Wat 2 wear

V-u have been lukin 4 a dress 4 over an hour

K-let's just say I was busy with dil

V-oh luk hw lucky u r

K-Wat do u mean

V-I mean we saved desert 4 u, we told him about u and he luved u

K-seriously dats cool, but cum and pick me up while I find something 2 wear

V-ok, I'm on my way

I decided on wearing my short black dress that has a lace covering my chest. I did my make up, it was average, I took my clutch and put my lipstick and phone into it then strapped my gun to my thigh and left the room, I walked downstairs to see that the game was still on, ugh! I waited impatiently until she finally arrived.

"What took you so long" she just sighed.

"I was trying but it was so hard to get out of the club" I was about to make a smartass remark but a deep voice cut me off.

"What do you mean club" I turned around just to see Dylan looking at me suspiciously.

I whispered in Vannessa's ear,"run" she looked at me then smiled then we started running, out of the house and into the car, Vannessa quickly pulled out of the driveway and ontu the road, "phew" I said out loud .

"Right? Are you aware of the trouble you are going to get in".

"I know, I know, but you were saying something about saving 'desert' for me", I said glancing at her.

"Oh, there was a guy and I hooked up with him and we met today at the bar, he came with some of his friends and his friend, saw your photo when you tested me and he said he wanted to know about you, so we told him and he liked you and said he wanted to see you and bam!" She completed smiling.

"What's his name?"

"Oh, I forgot, it's Jason". That name sent chills down my spine, he was the reason for my misery and happiness at the same time."we're here" Vannessa cooed, I pushed all thoughts to the back of my mind and stepped out of the car.

"Lets get this party started".

We walked into the club and split, I went to the bar to get a drink.


It is twelve and I am a bit tipsy, I've been ignoring Dylan's calls. I was going to meet the mysterious Jason guy but he had already left after a phone call so I decided to go home since I think I've been seeing things. I walked out of the bar tonight has been quite eventful, I had fun, danced and hopefully got myself drunk.

I decided to walk and enjoy the fresh air. I felt as if someone was following me, gangstas instincts I looked back a couple of times and I saw a shadow, seriosly either this guy wanted it to be obvious that he was following me or he was inexperienced, I reached for my gun but before I could get it, I felt a hard material, most propably a gun,hit me at the back of my head and everything went black.


I woke up to find myself in a car, my hands were tied up. I inwardly groaned, why today of all days does the gangs' problems have to follow me."where are you taking me?", I asked bored.

He chuckled,"I know someone who would love to see you". He had an Italian accent, it reminded me of home.

"Who is the person?"

"Does the name, Jason ring a bell?" Jason, I suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over meee but I quickly covered it before this guy could notice it.

"Hmm! No, not at all".

"Well then allow me to refresh your memory", he replied as the car came to a stop. He got out and opened my door,"get out of the car". I just laughed and looked at him.


"Get out or I'll make you".

"Then make me", I said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes and proceeded to pull me out of the car, I groaned in annoyance as li felt he was manhandling me, I hated being manhandled, I saw a mansion, very pretty but I like mine better. I knew it was going to be easy to escape right now but I wanted to wait and see what all this was about.

As we walked, I noticed that the security was very tight, hmm that's unusual, did they know in was coming. Thet two guards at the door gave us a nod of approval as we walked in.

He led me up the stairs and there was an equal amount of security. He opened a room and untied my hands while pushing me in,"change". He left before I could enquire.

I looked around the room and felt disgusted as it was a sickening pink, there was a bathroom, fully stocked and clothes on the bed, they were back thank goodness, I would not stand wearing pink.

I did myself a favour and undressed, replacing my dress with the black t-shirt and leather trousers, I would have a better chance of fighting in these, although I diddn't remove my heels.

A few minuites later, the man walked back in and took me by my arm, not even uttering a word, wow man on their period.

He led me down a dark corridor and it was then I realised that the security had died down,"where are we going", he didn't answer just grunted, ugh! I hated being ignored.

We arrived at a door and he pushed me into it, he flicked the light switch and the room lighted up, I widened my eyes at what I saw, it was a weaponry, I felt a smile tug at my lips, weapons make me happy,"if I were you I'd stay, someone valuable to you is at risk". I felt confused as to what he said.

"Whats your name, introduce yourself".

"I am Lee, right hand man of Jason, that's all you need to know for now",

"Second in command, relax I get how it feels, I work my ads off everyday because off my position". He just gave me an awkward look and left.

I ignored his attitude and started to fully stock myself with ammo, in case anything went wrong. Whe n I was done, I took a good look at the place, it wasn't bad but there was also a dark passageway, I was studying it intently then the door opened and Lee strolled in,"follow me".

I did as I was told and ironically, it was the same passage I was looking out that he led me through, he brought out a key and unlocked the door, when I stepped in, I saw someone I never expected to see again in my life.

So cliff hangers what do you think?

Any who I'm sorry for not updating sooner, I had exams so I hope that this update is long enough for you.

Who do you think Jason is?

Thoughts on th mystery person?

Why was Kenai kidnapped?

Do you like Dylan's character?

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