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Kenzie's POV

I pulled into the driveway of the flat that I dropped Sophiana previously. The neighbourhood was terrible and my car seemed like it was made of gold compared to all others, I mean it was just the silver SUV. I looked at Van and she nodded. I took a deep breath and hopped out of the car, Van doing the same.

She was wearing a white t-shirt, blue faded jeans and white pumps and bag to pair while I was wearing a black t-shirt, white jeans, black stilletos and a black bag. I didn't know for sure which flat was theirs so I knocked on the first door, a pretty blonde with good fashion sense opened the door.

"Please which flat belongs to Sophiana Jones."

"OMG! You're her sister right? I can't believe this she told us that she had a rich sister but we didn't believe her, you look like her but prettier and of course the eyes, hers are hazel while yours are gra-"

"Excuse me but I believe I asked a question."

"Well the answer depends on how much you're willing to pay." She said popping her gum.

I brought out a wad of cash,"depends on how much you are willing to say."

"The next door." She said pointing excitedly. I dropped the wad ontu the floor and her jaw dropped.

"Its all yours", I walked away not waiting for a reaction. I knocked on the door and waited. Soon after the door opened to reveal Sonia, my mother. Her eyes widened when she saw me and she pulled me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms tightly around her. The last time we saw each other, we were arguing madly.

"Sophie come and see who it is."

"Coming", she appeared with a little girl in her arm,"Mac, you're here?"

"Yes, won't you give your favourite sis a hug?" She chuckled

"You're my only sister." She hugged me after putting the baby down.

"Aunty Sopi", a cute voice said,"if she is your sista, is she ma momma?"

"Yes Maddie, she's your mother." She walked towards me.

"Mommy?" I dropped on my knees.

"Yes baby, it's mommy." I spread out my hands for her and she ran into them crying and I smiled and kissed all over her face,"stop crying or else mommy will be sad, okay?" She looked I to my eyes and nodded.

I looked at my mother hopefully,"can I have her for today?"

"Of course, she is your baby after all besides, Sophie was about to take her to the park so her bag is already packed but let her change Maddison first." I nodded. I always wanted to name my daughter Maddison and my son Mason, I like that they honoured that.

"Okay, I'll wait by my car." I walked out with Van."I can't believe I did this." She just chuckled. I looked round and took in my surroundings, it was lively and people Maddie's age were running around, I like it. I noticed from the corner of my eye the girl I was previously talking to surrounded by girls who were gasping and glancing at me. Gossips.

"Mommy." I whipped around to see Maddie running towards me with a chuckling Ana behind her. She opened her arms and I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"I see she's obsessed with her mother." Ana commented. I put Maddie down and motioned her over, she walked towards me, I collected Maddie's bag and placed it in the back seat. I opened my bag and gave her wads of cash.

"Use it well."

"Don't worry, I will. I'm expecting another one of these next month."

"I'm in town, I can visit next week.

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