Chapter 3

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*At the park*

Marinette's POV

"Hey Adrien," I said."Hey Marinette," he said."What kind of Ice cream you going to get," I asked."I'm not sure. They're all so yummy,"he replied."Mint with chocolate chips is mine," I said."That sounds good sound good, but ... I'll have black cherry 🍒," he said."I never thought you as a cherry person," I said. He laughs and says,"Not really. But I thought you'd get the joke."I finally dawns on me."Oh,"I laugh,"I get it.""But really. I don't know what to get," he says."I think you should get... recces cup flavor or just chocolate with mini recces cups on it," I suggested."That sounds good.A minute later we had ordered and I saw Alya and Nino walk in."You guys started the date without us," she said."I offered to let you come with me, but you decided to wait for Nino," I stated."Well I couldn't of left my date being," she said."Fair enough," I say.We all sat in silence." Ok this just got awkward," Adrien said."Someone talk about something," Nino said."Something, Something, Something, blah blah blah blah blah,"Alya says."Not gibberish," Nino said."Ok what flavored Ice cream are you getting?" Alya asked. Vanda.(Ok so my friend Justice wrote this in DereDere writes and I's story notebook and we couldn't read her hand writing and it looked like it said vanda. So we went with it and said that its was a panda shape ice cream and the flavor was vanilla) "Mint with chocolate chips," I say."Chocolate with pieces of recces cups," Adrien said."Orange with chocolate fudge," Alya said."Why?" I ask."Don't hate it til you try it," Alya said. We all sat down and ate our Ice cream."So....remember when I brought cookies and we forgot about what we needed to do, and we were late!" I exclaims."Wha-," Alya started then realization hits her,"oh , yeah that! That was fun even though we did end up pretty late."Yeah I remember that but when he asked us why we were so late and we said 'Eating cookies'," Adrien says."It was amazing. Maybe I should bring cookies to the next meeting ," I said."Yeah! We can hangout and just talk and eat cookies! A MINI PARTY!!" Alya exclaimed."What?"Nino said."OMG, we forgot Nino we're so sorry," I say."No problem. Just wondering where this story is coming from?" Nino asked."Um nothing it's just something that you're not aloud to know about , Adrien laughs nervously. Alya slammed her hand on Adrien's mouth so he couldn't talk. "MMPH!," Adrien words were muffled."You deserve it so stop fighting it," I said."Wwwhhhaaattt? Mari, yesterday you couldn't even form a sentence around Adrien and now you're going on dates and acting all couple-y. What happened?"Nino asked."I grew confidence in my garden," I say."I didn't know you had a garden," Alya said."I didn't I was being sarcastic," I say."Since when have you been sarcastic?"Alya asked."Ever since she started dating me," Adrien answered."So how'd did you guys come together," Nino said.Adrien and I looks at each other and say at the same time,"ALYA!"Alya smiled."Yea that makes since," Nino stated. We all laughed and continued to eat our Ice cream and Chloe from the other side of the park saw them and she walked towards them."Oh-oh. Here comes Queen Bee 🐝," Nino said."WHAT!" Adrien, Alya ,and I exclaimed.

Adrien, Alya ,and Marinette's POV

How'd he figure out!!!!

Marinette's POV

"Ya know Chloe the snob from our highschool," Nino said."Ohh! Hi Chloe," Adrien, Alya,and I said."Hey guys," Chloe said."What you guys are acting like your friends!" Nino said. We all said,"We are.""Now when did this happen? Have I been sleeping for a week!"Nino said."No, so Mari and I went to the park and we saw Adrien at a photo shoot so after he was done we decided to hangout. So at the time Chloe came by and wanted to hangout with Adrien but Adrien wanted to stay with us so he invited Chloe to hangout with us. She didn't take it lightly at first. So we all started talking and learned a few things about each other. We figured out that we have a few things in common. Chloe apologized of how she was so mean to us. She was afraid of people judging her. But once you get to know her she is quite nice," Alya told him.Man Alya was a good liar."oh ok. Sorry for calling you a snob and a queen bee 🐝 Chloe," Nino said."It's ok! We could start over and be friends," Chloe said. We all talked and ate our ice cream and went home.

*At the Eiffel tower*( Warning LadyNoir fluff)

Ladybugs POV

"Looks like its just you and me tonight Chat," I say."Yea. So how are you doing M'Lady?"Chat said."Well other than still fangirling over how I just went on a date with you and dating you. I also giggling because Chloe was 5th wheel without noticing that we on a double date," I laugh. I can tell by the look on Chat face that he was internally screaming."Um Chat I know you trying to hold in a scream so I wouldn't do that if I were you I would stop before its makes your face read," I say.

To be continued....


Hey guys so um I hope you enjoyed see you next time -Tris

Miraculous ladybug (Emiko and Lyla)Where stories live. Discover now