Never An Option

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Suicide should never be an option or a thought. This view that Violet has on suicide as her ticket to freedom or where she will suffer no more. Is not the truth. This is a lie. Now Bi and Jakes saw it as freedom. But you shouldn't. If you have thoughts of suicide or self harm, tell someone. If you are in an abusive situation like Violet was, please tell someone. Abuse, suicide, and self harming are not jokes, so please don't treat them like one.
Call 1-800-273-8255 for a Suicide Helpline. They are available 24/7.
Call 1-800-273-TALK to talk to someone about self harm or an abuse situation.
Text HOME to 741741 if you can't call. A crisis aid representative will respond and help you.
Or you can reach out to me right here. Not in the comments, but message me on here if you ever need to talk. I've been through it before, too.
Remember Suicide Isn't
The Answer

Kiersten Elisabet

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