Clouds Of Grey Short Story

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I woke up in a white room. My vision cloudy. My mouth dry. My throat scratchy. Every sound was muffled. I felt terrible. The room was all white with a window. I could see the light coming in through it. My ears popped i could here again. My eyes adjusted to the room. I heard footsteps. I saw the door open. A guy walked in probably a few years older than me. How old am i? I couldn't remember. He began talking to me. "Hey. I see you're awake." The strange man said to me softly. When i didn't say anything back he looked at me and spoke again, "Violet, are you okay?" He asks. I look at him puzzled. I point to my throat and sign water. He looks at me in realization, he leaves to get me some. I sit up crisscrossed on the bed i am laying on. He comes back in and hands me my water. I take it into my shaking hands. I drink it and feel the nice cool water run down my throat. "Thanks." I say cautiously. "No problem, Vi." He answers, "How are you feeling?" i look around and answer, "Fine. But who is Violet or Vi," He looks at me worried. "You. Your Violet Renston." he answers. "Ummm... I don't. Ahh." I say in panic.
------------------------There was a flash of light and i see me and that man.-----------------------
"Hey Vi!" He yells. "Jakes!" I yell running to him and giving him a giant hug. I see him smile and i blush. "Vi, are you ready to go to the Farm?" He asks. "Yes!" I say smoothing my down my checkered skirt and my white shirt. "Jake? Can you tie my shoe for me?" I ask in a little kid voice. "Sure." he says with a wink. I watch him tie my black high top's white converse laces. Then, I see that we're at a farm. I am picking flowers around me and he is sitting on a blanket eating a sandwitch. The i hear him say, "Vi, you're so beautiful." I smile and blush. "Jakes you are very handsome." i say back flirtatiously. Then he stands and puts his arms around me and i lean into him. I smell soft lavender and man soap smell. I breath it all in.
---------------------------------------End Of Flashback-------------------------------------------
I sit up fast and turn to him, "Jake?" I ask. "Violet? What's wrong?" Jake asks. "I-I ummm.. remember" I answer. "What? He asks. "Oh..I umm when i woke up i couldn't remember my name or you or my age." i answer shly. "Oh, so your name and age?" he asks.. "I'm Violet Renee Colleen Renston, and i am 16." i answer in a duh manor. "Okay good. Who am i and age." Jake asks. "Your 17, and Jake my...." i say trailing off. "Best friend." He answers. "That's all i remember--" I say as i see another flash of light.
I see me and Jake sitting on a couch in a small house. His arm around me. There are two dogs sitting around us. I have tea in my mug and we're laughing, it felt really nice. He's smiling at ma and i see his eyes sparkle. Then with another flash all is gone.
I come to once again and Jake is sitting there looking at me with concern. "Hi, again." i say. "Oh, Um Hey" He says back to me. "So where are the dogs, i had a memory of them." i say slow and sheepishly. "Oh over there." He says as he pointd to the door. He looks at me with an intent look in his eyes. Nothing like the guy i remember in my memory flashes. I stare at him for a few minutes then ask the main question on my mind, "Where are we? And why are we here?" he looks at me in a small surprise and answers, "We're in Seattle, Washington in the USA. And you ran away from your home, and i came with you." i look at him and know that he left something out of the story. "What else? I know you left something out." I say quickly. He looks at me worried, "Let's wait till you remember more things." he says with authority.
Then i lay back down and go to sleep. As soon as i close my eyes i see another flash of white.

I'm in a living room, my living room. My dad stands there and i see my mom crying. Then he hits her. I start to cry and he hits me. I feel the pain in my face. Then i hear a noise a loud gunshot. I look at my mom, she is bleeding all over the hardwood. I see my dad approach me. "You worthless piece of sh**! You little bi**h! Just like your fu** up off a mother." he yells. I start to cry and he starts to kick and hit me. I feel the impacts allover. He stops and looks at me, "You are worthless. I hate you. You were a fu** up. Now clean up and go to bed." he says calmly. I turn and clean. As soon as i am done i call Jake. I tell him what happened. "I am on my way Vio--" he says. Then it all goes white again.
I wake up in a sweat! "Jake!" I yell. He runs in and scoops me up into a hug. "I--I-- saw him! I saw him ki--kill my mom. My dad killed my mom." I say as i stutter and repeat. "Shhhh." he says, "It's okay we are far away from him. I guess i can tell you now but this is why we ran away. Your dad had always been abusive but when he killed her and you told me. I convinced you to run away with me." he looks down and i touch his shoulder. "Jakes,' i say he looks up surprised. "You remember my nickname.¨ "Of course i will never forget," i say and i know i mean it, too. He tells me to lay down and rest more i ask him to stay with me and he does. As he wraps his arms around me i smell his scent. Lavender and man soap.
I breath it all in and smile.
I wake up and he is still asleep. I crawl about of bed. I go into the bathroom and see leggings and a sweatshirt. I get dressed and pull my hair into a ponytail. I walk out and whisper, "Thanks for the help Jakes. But I gotta go now. Good luck on life." I grab my boots and walk out of the little apartment i sat down put my shoes on. "Violet, you know what you have to do." i say to myself. "It's what you want Vi." I get up and walk to the roof access door. I open the door and walk out there. *Ring, Ring* I answer. "Hello?" "Oh! Hi Jakes." "I'm on the roof. Goodbye." I say rushed. I walk to the edge. "Stop!" i hear Jake yell! "Bye" i say teary eyed. I turn around and i jump. I feel the wind in my hair as i fly down. "No!" i hear Jakes yell. "Goodbye" i say. I close my eyes and i hit the ground. I feel myself fade away. I feel a rush of memories rush into my body. I remember everything. I seperate from my body. It feels weird to be a spirit. I look around and see Jakes running out of the building. "Violet! Violet!" he yells. A cop pulls up and steps out and asks "What happened?" "She. She. Jumped." Jakes answers with a sob. I feel bad but i did what i had to. "Oh." the cop says he pulls out his radio and says, "We gotta 761 down on Penn Street." 761. A 761. Suicide i'm guessing. I see flashing lights. Someone runs over to me or my body. They check for air. "She's. Dead." The paramedic says. I feel my heart leap and sink. I'm free but without Jake, I feel a loss. But then i hear the cop shout, "Son, get down from there!" I look up and see Jake standing atop of the building. I see him hesitate. Then he jumps. I watch him fall in slow motion. "Jakes!" i say to no one but myself. Then he lands right next to my body. I see him. He comes to me and kisses me. "I am so sorry." I say. "It's fine here we are free." he says. Then we float up together into the sky. Together at last and forever. All we had to do was end the pain. Send the world away. My jump was not of cowardly thoughts. But for relief of the pain. Now I am free. My jump does not define me. I define myself. I am me. Even though i jumped I am stronger than i've ever been. I was weak before. I felt and knew. Now I feel strong. I am strong. I can live my life freely. "Goodbye Cruel World" I say happily as i drifted off into the sky, in the arms of Jake. My life may look done but not yet.
By: Kiersten Elisabet
* i am not defined by what i write *

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