The Lingering Thoughts

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Leo sighed as he was trying to concentrate on his meditation.He knew what he and his brothers were doing was wrong but, what Mikey did was....unforgivable.He endangered April, and possibly, The others live.Raph yells at him a lot, Donnie sometimes, but He?He couldn't bring himself to do that.He just....keep his distance and tries not to speak to him.It hurt Mikey, anyone could see that even his brothers...betrayed him...Leo shook his head, he didn't betray Mikey, right?I mean...what he was doing was unforgivable but, Mikey couldn't go unpunished for his actions.But, was this punishment too far, when would it end, and...when would HE end it?

Leonardo sighed, he had been contemplating his mind for the past 4 months.Wondering if he should stop, No, why wouldn't he stop his brother's torment over the younger one.


He turned around and was met with Donnie."You ok?" the purple bandanaed turtle asked."Um, yea just, thinking..." he said turning away" Leo, don't lie, it's about him again isn't it,"Donnie said frowning and Leo sighed."That obvious's just, this doesn't feel right, what we're doing"Leo admitted turning back to Donatello."I know Leo, but remember what he did to April he just...."Donnie sighed, he couldn't finish that sentence, he just....couldn't...."But....maybe it was a-"Leo got cut off."Leo, it wasn't an accident and you know it!We all saw what he did!"Raph shouted he had been eavesdropping on the conversation.A surprised Leo and Donnie turned to the fuming turtle.

"We saw what he did, you two saw it too, and you wanna let it go?Mikeys pulled a lot of sh-....stuff....but this was the worst one so don't go on about this being wrong" Raph finished."But Raph he's our brother, and can't ignore him forever" Leo said."Yea but I can god damn try" he said spitting venom at Leo.Leo sighed, the last hundred times Leo tried to talk Raph outta this silent treatment it always would fail.

This was normal for them.Leo looked back at Mikeys room.With the the thought of something....evil inside there....but continued his meditation,the thought of something more lingering at the back of his head.
Sorry guys I've had writers block >~<

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