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Harry Potter : is the boy who lived he found it hard all of his life because he .had to grow up without his parents because the .the drak lord kill them and then he went to live with his mother sister and found out later on that his mother was abopted so she .was not his anut by blood and that did keep him safe like Dumbledore had said

Cedric Diggory: was a student in Hufflepuff and for some reason he felt quite drawn to Harry little did he know that he and Harry both share a Soul Bond could his love be what Harry needs .because Harry thought that he would never find love but can Cedric change that

Hermione Granger: she is one of Harry's best friends but what if he she finds out that she's more than Harry's friend what if she's related to Harry and some way what if the Weasleys are also related to him

Ron Wesley: has always thought of Harry a family and more then a friend what happenes when he finds out that the reason is mother and father want to help Harry so much is because he some kind of family

The Wesley's : are all there for Harry and will do anything they can for him when it comes to everything Harry needs because they know of his home life .with is anut unlce because they been trying to keep eye on him for years .but they had know way of getting him.away form his anut and uncle

Sisrus black : is Harry godfather and he'll do anything he can to help his godfson and he will hopefully be able to clear his name.and be there for Harry because of everything that happened

Rumes lupine : is Harry godfather as well will do anything to help him he is mated to sirus and will do anything have him free

Join these and other characters and find out what will happen can Cedric Harry love be enough to beat the dark lord

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