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Cedric POV

Me and Harry woke up in the room of requirement and everything as. Came back to me I looked at my husband I could get over .that what me and Harry have is more then a chrush and I kiss HARRY on the forhead knowibg knowing that he is mind and that a good thing

Harry : ( wakes up) morning babe. And I'm still letting last night to sink in because the only way that you can bodend when you are making love is true love and we did that but even more beautiful then that because we had another light that we have a soul bond which is even more I still can't get over the fact but to tell you the truth I'm very grateful for it all because now I know that I have someone that loves and I don't need to fear things anyone

Cedric: you do know that because of this you don't need to go back to your so called Muggle family because this over comes all of that and it just means that this going to be making you stronger when it comes to going up against the darklord and that a good thing because it time we see that he out of the picture for good.

Harry : yes and I think we better get back. To are rooms before we get in trouble because. We did not get back before curfew we don't want to be in big trouble with are house heads

Cedric: I don't think that we will get in trouble because I have a feeling that Minverusie and the head of house picked up on it and they where told we where in the room of requirement and I bit it was a house elf that we can trust and the head house are going to be helping us some how

Harry : that a good thing babe and where going to be see the best friends and family we can. Count on and that should be good because I always found that I can count on the wesly and that should be a good thing if you asking me

Cedric :  yes that a good thing

Harry :  it makes me happy to know that I can get my life back together but I still miss my parents everyday because of the fact that darklord had took them form. Me so long ago

And I know that Harry was rigth to be missing his parents .and it a good thing that we can now keep.him away form the Muggles that he. Was staying with and that a good thing and now that I. Don't need to worry about anything Harry James Potter is now my everything or . should I say Harry James Potter Diggory and that  a good thing

With that thought I mind  I knew that I would help my husband thought everything and that. A good thing and it make happy that I can do what needs to be done


Harry Potter Diggory POV

Me and Cedric got ready to head and talk to minver because we did know what to say to dumbledore and I seem that. A lot of people have been not sure about it lately and. Min  is one of them.she sometimes let me call her that .and it a good thing because she's some that I could always count on and it make me.feel like I have people who care .but I don't know why

Cedric: you ready babe

Harry : ya I have to laugh my. Best friends where like I hope you and your date goes good and I was like ya hopefully me and him will keep seeing each other

Cedric: ya well it going to be showed that we are doing more then seeing each other and that. A good thing

And with that we head of to see what everyone is going to be thinking and I hope that it going to be .going well


Minverusie POV

I was working in my office all night and I know that there was something more.the Harry just having a crush on Cedric Diggory because.i could tell by the way they have been looking after each other .like they love each other and what alot people don't know is that I have a give for . know when there are soulmate and Soul Bond

And. I knew that was something between Cedric and Harry. And I know that there .is going to be one for Herminoe and that is goig. To be severus Snape and  I know that because she. And him match in soul everything and she more then a muggle Bron that what dumbledore.wants her to believe

As I was doing the work in my office I hear the kock on the door and I know going to be Harry and Cedric and hopefully everything will work out for the better there thinking and I'm going to help them through it because to the truth me and Poppy don't trust dumbledore right now .and for some reason so do severus Snape not trusting dumbledore because of something we. Saw last year and we are keeping a close eye .and it a good thing malfoy are not really deth Eaters there under cover as then .so that good thing because the darklord needs to be deal with. And it seems that dumbledore cliams that. Everything he doing is for the great good .but what is he playing at

So like I said as soon as the kock was on my door I told Harry and Cedric to come inside

Harry: hay min I need to tell that last night. Me and Cedric went I date and we did not plan this but. One thing left to another and we got Bonded so taht show true love.but it seems that there more because it was more then one light and it seems that we have a soul bond

Minver: that something that going to help you against the darklord for sure but. I am happy that you came to me and not dumbledore about this

Harry : yes well since last year I have not been able to trust him because I started to have faschbacks to. When. I was younger and it seems that he knows about everything that my so called uncle is doing to me and still keep me there I have mermiores that can proof this all now

Cedric: that all had to come back to you when we bodend babe because it was something stronger then what was put on you I think that there are blocks and spells on you because maybe even as babe you know the truth

Minverusie: what Cedric is saying can be true and I. Am having  things too now that might be able to help as well
Because I can since a lot of things about your powers and everything but I think there's a reason for that I think I am actually really related to you somehow Harry I believe that your mother was actually on my side of the family before she was adopted

Ya that right I never thought I be living this again but i . remember that when i was younger I .was in a relationship with  a muggle man and he had got me pergnant .and I had to put my little up for adoption and if I'm right Harry is my grandson for real and. If it true dumbledore is going to have alot explain to do

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