Chapter 6

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~Martinus POV~

When Marcus and I started to walk home I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

Marcus- Why are you so happy Bro?

Martinus- Why, shouldn't I be happy.

Marcus- Does she know we are singers?

Martinus- No she doesn't

Marcus- You know that could bite you in the ass one day

Marcus was right that could bite me in the ass one day, but it is nice her not using me for my fame. I really hope this doesn't end up badly.

Martinus- I know but I like her not knowing who I am and not using me for fame.

Marcus- Stop dwelling on the past and you should tell her before she finds out from something else.

Martinus- I will tell her. Maybe tomorrow

We arrived home and both went to our rooms. I went on my phone for a bit stalking Ellie a bit after a while I put my phone down then fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking about Ellie.

~~ Next Morning~~

I got up and sent a good morning to Ellie. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat down next to Emma.

Martinus- Good Morning Emma

I said really chirpy voice looking at Emma with a smile on my face.

Emma- Why are you so happy this morning?

Marcus came down the stairs and said

Marcus- Because he has a crush on the new girl

Mrs. Gunnarsen- You should invite her and her family over for dinner.

Martinus- Okay. I will ask her now.

I started getting up from the table but then Mum said

Mrs. Gunnarsen- Eat first

She said while putting a waffle, I sat back in my chair and shoved the waffle in my mouth so I could go see Ellie. I scoffed down my food, then ran back upstairs, I texted Ellie

Martinus- I'll be over in 10

Ellie- Okay, see you then :)

I quickly had a shower, got dress, brushed my teeth and did my hair. I quickly yelled out goodbye to my family and started to run over to Ellie's house. Once I got to Ellie's door stop I knocked on her door three times. When the door opened I saw Ellie

Ellie- Hey Martinus.

Martinus- Hey Ellie, can I come in?

Ellie- Oh yea sure

She moved away from the door allowing me to come through then I closed the door behind me.

Ellie- She why did you want to come over?

Martinus- To see if you and your Dad would like to come over tonight?

Ellie- Yea, sure

When Ellie smiled it made my heart melt and it brang a smile on my face.

I was excited for tonight.

The New Girl - Marcus and Martinus Fanfiction (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now