Sweet Kisses Under The Goshinboku

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Inuyasha was Sleeping peacefully in the hut while Naruto was having trouble sleeping. He was constantly tossing and turning in his sleep.  The Konoha
nightmares that always hunted Naruto was starting to come back ten fold. 

~In Naruto's nightmare~
Naruto was running for life the villagers were chasing after him with Kunais,Shirkens, Explosive tags,posin tags and flaming Kunais as well. "Kill the Demon !" One of villagers yelled. "Let's decapitate him for killing our Savior Lord 4th !" Another villager shouted. "But I didn't kill anyone." Naruto pouted. "Shut your damn trap Demon !" A female villager shouted then threw her shoe at Naruto's face giving him a black eye in the process.  

Naruto brust into tears and ran off to far away from the crule villagers. "Quick after the Demon before he gets away and starts killing again !" A random villager shouted pointing to the direction Naruto ran in.

~Back to reality~
Naruto instantly woke up screaming, crying and shaking violently from his horrible nightmare. Naruto's scream woke Inuyasha from his sleep. Inuyasha went over to his mate and sat next to him. "Naruto what happened why are shaking and crying ?" The hanyou asked with confused. By instinct Naruto hugged Inuyasha tightly and buried his face in Inuyasha's chest. "I had an nightmare about the villagers in Konoha they chased after me and tried to kill me." Naruto said softly. 

Inuyasha picked up Naruto bridal style and left the village very quietly without waking their friends and villagers that was deep in dream Land. "Where are we going ?" Naruto asked. Inuyasha didn't answer the question he just continue walking to god knows where.

😎Time Skip😎
Once Inuyasha reached his destination he put Naruto down. Naruto was confused he has no idea where Inuyasha took him or why their here. "Where are we ?" Naruto asked really confused now. Inuyasha smiled.
"The Goshinboku where I was sealed to 50 years ago." Inuyasha said touching the very tree he was binned to. Naruto looked at Inuyasha with amazement in his eyes. "50 years that's a long time I'm sorry Inuyasha if I or Kurma was here alot earlier than you wouldn't have to go through with that." Naruto said sounding a little sad. Inuyasha grabbed Naruto and pinned him to The Goshinboku stearing him deep in his ocean blue eyes. "It's in the past Naruto all that matters is that your here now." Inuyasha then crashed his lips into Naruto's while still having him pinned up against The Goshinboku. The kiss soon started to get alot more heated.

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