Table Of Context

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This is not just a magazine, this is a collection of the best books on wattpad right now. They aren't just winning books, they are exceptional books.

The subsequent chapters will be divided into three parts:-

> Winners of the different genres.
> Winners of the Golden Categories.
> Winners of the People's Choice Award.
> Winners of the Special Category.

Each Category will contain:-

> Winning book names.
> Winning book Author.
> Their interview and success story.

There will be a final category which will contain interview for the our invaluable readers, you do not want miss it!

In fact, you do not want to miss any of what we have in store for you. Not only will it be a fun ride, it would be educative and inspiring.

Don't forget to check out the winning book and the author. Shower them with lots of love and support.

Also, don't forget to spread the word about E-Awards. We hope you appreciate us half as much as we do you.

With Best Regards
- The E-Awards Team -

The Best Books on Wattpad [E-Magazine]Where stories live. Discover now