Short Story⭐Secrets Buried in your Scars

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Secrets Buried in your Scars is the winning book in the Short Story Category. What a feat to come out atop, among so many other good books!

*Rocket claps* for the amazing Sy1244

Congratulations! Keep writing!!!

There is no way you are not reading this book and following such a charm. Don't cheat yourself out of such an awesome read.


Interview of the winning author. [Please, leave your inline comment next to the question].


How do you feel about winning in the E-Awards?

What were you doing when you knew about it?

What inspired your winning story?

Where are you from?

Any words of encouragement to other authors out there?

Now, unto more fun and random questions:-

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Tea or Coffee ¦ Netflix or YouTube ¦ Cats or Dogs?

If you were stranded on an island, what five things would you like to have with you?

What is your favourite holiday? Why?

Tag five people you would like to celebrate your success with.


Thanks a bunch!

We wish you the very best in all of your endeavors.

So, who is this amazing author's fan?


With Best Regards
- The E-Awards Team -

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